Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome Back

For some reason whenever my stress is relieved I always find myself thinking about the current place I am in in my life.

For example, 20 minutes ago.

Yesterday I had a mental break down and cried because my stress was so overwhelming. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I have/had to do in the next week!

  • Math exam (yesterday)
    • didn't feel like I did my best so that contributed
  • I had to type up my outlines AND practice exam for NN
    • I just handed that in an hour ago
  • Homework due Friday
  • Spanish and Cmlit exam Tuesday
  • Econ exam Wednesday
  • Earth Exam Friday
  • Writing Assignment due the Monday after that
FML Right?

So I broke down. Anyway that's not that point.

Walking back from downtown, having checked 3 things off my list, the sun shining, drinking a Starbucks Tazo Passion Tea Lemonade (my weakness), I couldn't help but think that my life really rocks.

Everyone that has ever caused my problems are no longer in my life even in the slightest bit. I'm doing well in school. I have the best family I could ask for. Not only do I have the most amazing boyfriend but we go to the same school! How many people have their significant other from high school (we've been dating for a year and 3 months) go to the same university that they do?

In my past, I had problem upon problem upon problem. All of my stress just kept piling because not only was school slightly difficult but the people I surrounded myself with were like poison. They just kept bringing me down. Why would I need that?

No one needs that.

The point is, if you're not happy with your life, it's probably not you. It's most likely the people who you are around.

My family only loves me and wants to help with whatever I need.
My friends here are always here to listen to me and help me with whatever I need
My boyfriend always proves me wrong when I think it couldn't get any better (it always does) and he never does anything to hurt me.
No one does.

My life is pretty kick ass if you ask me
More than just content and feeling serenity for once: Story of my life. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Note: Do not take this entry personally. You are probably not the person I am talking about... unless you are.

For all of you who may know the holiday State Patty's day here at Penn State, you may be thinking we are all a bunch of fools who are destructive while drunk.

That is completely true for the most part.

For those of you who don't know about State Patty's day, it is a holiday here at State that was created 6 years ago in place of the regular Saint Patty's day. Bars would shut down because of all of the drunks. So some brilliant college student thought, "Hey, why not make it a week or two earlier so we can still drink and give our student body an even worse reputation."

I'll admit, I participated in State Patty's day, but I did it the way that any other sane and not tool bag person who attends Penn State would.

There are two main contributors to the problem of destruction and bad reputation here at State:

  1. The outsiders
  2. The tool bags.

Let me explain.

You see here at State, all of the students have known for about a month of all the repercussions that the University would be taking to defer people from partying so hard. For example:
  • The IFC board banned fraternity parties during State Patty's day
  • The CATA bus would not stop on Beaver Ave (where all the apartments are) from 6pm Friday to 6am Sunday
  • They set up walking check points downtown
  • Students living in dorms were only allowed one guest in their room
  • People were being checked into dorms when they arrived
  • Auxiliary police were stationed EVERYWHERE
  • 2x as many bars as last year closed.
Being a student at State your first thought after hearing that was, "F that! I'm not going out. I'm just going to stay in my dorm, lay low and have fun with my close friends I know won't be assholes."

For all the outsiders you hear, "SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!"
Not to mention, most of the outsiders, the ones I know anyway, bring mass amount of drama with them. So, no thank you to that.

Keep in mind there are the few who are 21 years of age who go out saying the same thing because they have nothing to worry about. They're legal. Also, people who have apartments, they're pretty much safe too.

Anyway, but then you always have "those guys" who think that being plastered is the coolest thing in the world. So they'll get wasted, head butt a mirror and break it, tear apart a newspaper rack and throw it across the lobby, and then go break a chair in the work room that had nothing to do with you.

(Yes, this all really happened in my building.)

You know what that tells me? You are the biggest tool bag in the WORLD!
You are the reason that we have all the bans and rules on State Patty's, because you're being an asshole to show off how much of a dick you really are. Thank you for showing everyone that you hate this holiday and wish for it to have even more restrictions next year. Thank you for being another statistic against our school.

All I'm saying is that I had a great time, and broke nothing. My friends had a great time and didn't have any drama. My friends and I had a great time together and didn't get alcohol poisoning, an underage, or any other charge.


We keep in classy.
Staying away from everyone that egged on this entry next year, and also not having anyone stay with me again because I enjoy having fun and my own time: Story of my life.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Battle of the Sexes

It's been a while, I know I am sorry. Last week I had 3 exams, this weekend was THON, and I have 2 exams this week. SO being the college student my parents are paying for me to be, I had to study instead of blog my thoughts away.

I wasn't originally going to blog today but then something happened that I couldn't pass up. Here we go.

Have you ever met that girl that has a thousand guy friends and maybe 2 close girl friends? It seems like every girl you meet for the first time is like, "Yeah, most of my friends are guys, No big deal" And at first thought you're like yeah... you're lying.

BUT! That's not true about that chick and once you sit down and think about it, it is so very true.

I myself am one of those girls that prefer having guys as friends over girls for many reasons. Want to hear why?
  1. Guys have much more to talk about than just what girl they are currently hooking up with and when they could possibly see them again. To be quite frank girls obsess over little things like a text message or a facebook "like" as if it is the most important thing in the world. I just had dinner with my boyfriend and his friends and want to know what we talked about? The divorce rate of families and how children of the parents who stayed together have the potential for more success with the exceptions of some. Just based of the odds of the people we know. When would you EVER have a conversation like that with a girl unless you were really rad?
  2. Girls will sit around and paint their nails while still talking about that significant other. Maybe it's just because I bite my nails that this doesn't appeal to me but I would much rather watch YouTube videos or talk about absolutely anything else other than that other guy.
  3. Girls are hyper focused on what their other friends are doing, if it is better than them, and how much they are eating. For example my roommate went out to eat with some friends and one of her friends called her a heffer for getting chicken tenders, fries, and mac and cheese for dinner. Um, that's called normal honey. How about you go see a nutritionist about how much protein and carbs you should be consuming in one day.
  4. Girls are always so catty and holding grudges. I love my mother to death but she holds grudges sometimes. (And mom, if you're reading this you know exactly what I am talking about. And I mean it with the best and lightest intentions) I could have said something about going out with someone elses family last year and my mom would still say to this day that I want to be like someone else's family. False. But, I love my mom. In fact, she is more of a dude than I am.
  5. Girls feel the need to wear the skankiest clothes when they go out. It is freaking 5 degrees here at night and girls go out in clothes that should be woren um... never. It's not even considered underwear. Like no thanks, I enjoy the feeling warm and comfortable. Thanks for the skank invite though.

As you can tell, something set me off today. So here's the fact.
Guys are more
  • Chill
  • understanding
  • hungry
  • witty
  • funny
  • vulgar (it takes a certain kind of girl to truly appreciate this)
  • All around more fun.

Sorry ladies, I'm just not that into you.
Enjoying being that "dude" in the group of guys even if you are dating one of them because I just don't enjoy being a bitch: Story of my life.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hail to the V (day)

As you all know (or maybe not), it is Valentines day!

One of the most dreaded days in the country by both men and women. But why?

For guys:
Because F you Nicholas Sparks! Thanks for making my life hell! My girl has unrealistic views of what love and romance should be!

(I am a huge fan, actually just saw the Vow)

For Women:
Because why can't my man just be like Noah Calhoun and wait years and years for me while you build our dream house even though I am engaged to another man? Why can't he understand that all I want is dozens of flowers and jewelry and showered with "I love you's"?!

(That's a fair argument as well)

But girls, there is no reason to hate on Valentines day. I think people forget about what Valentines day really is.

According to it is the day in which people exchange signs of affection and love with each other.

Just because it was commericalized as something that you NEED a significant other to celebrate doesn't mean that's true. Quite frankly that is very wrong.

I know you all didn't forget the Valentines day festivities when you were in elementary school. Your valentine was your entire class!

Anyway, I am deeply infatuated with Evan but that doesn't mean I forget everyone I love and have affection towards-- my family.

Guys, your first Valentine was your mom or motherly figure
Girls, your first Valentine was your dad or fatherly figure. I mean, I know mine was.

I have the most handsome 2 year old nephew and if I didn't have Evan, he would without a doubt be my number one Valentine.

Love is meant for anyone who can appreciate everything that you are.
For example:
  • Evan deals with my crazy on a daily basis. Not even I would do that.
  • Evan sort of convulses when he laughs. SO do I! So.... I don't feel so out there.
  • He also makes me origami flowers for Valentines day.
My point of this entire blog is to show you that being bitter on Valentines day isn't attractive. Look at the bigger picture. Love is what raised you and made you who you are today. Why not show everyone who helped in that how much they really mean to you.  In the end, 1 significant other leads to family of 4 or 5. Then you have at least 3 Valentines anyway.

Spread the love to all my friends
Ignoring the fact that I have a very special Valentine and making this a personal shout out to my mom, dad, sister, brother, brother-in-law, nephew, my aunts, and everyone else who is around: Thank you so much for all of your love: Story of my life.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Banana Man

Have you ever wanted to have a character in your life that Jerry Seinfeld and his friends might have. Like the Soup Nazi?

I'm sure everyone wants to have some sort of crazy "regular" you can tell stories about. I know I did.

Be careful what you wish for.

It all started last semester waiting in line for a breakfast sandwich at the commons before one of our first couple home football games. It was Evan, Tracy, and myself. The line was super long. I mean come on, we're college students, we don't wake up until 10:30 am before a game and a breakfast sandwich with some tator tots sounds delightful.

We noticed this kid in front of us tweaking out. He turned to us and said " You think they have bananas here? That's all I want is a banana and I have been standing in line."  We were like... Um... I think so ? but We're not sure.

We continued talking and then he turned around again and said "can you save my place in line? I'm just going to be really quick and run upstairs to see if they have bananas there. I'll right back"  And he sprinted off. He came back soon enough and we were almost at the check out. He looks down in the basket in front of us and ALAS! There's one single banana left!

That's how he got his name. Keeping in mind that was in September of last semester.

We have seen banana man AT LEAST 25 times since then. And rest assure that that is a lot of times to see someone you don't know on a campus as big as Penn State Main.

As we began to see him more frequently, he started to recognize us. How do we know? He'd just stare at us. Literally. Just stare. Like, making awkward eye contact to the point that you just want to acknowledge him and run.

We saw him at:

Dining commons (the most)
College Ave
The Hub
Sitting outside
The Basketball game.

This last one is the most important because it is the most recent (Yesterday)
About 10 minutes into the game, I noticed him two rows in front of us. Then he turned around and stared at me! What the heck banana man!? Did you know we were here!? Are you stalking us now? Do you want to be friends? If you do, you better cut the creeper shit because that's not how you make friends!

All in all, that's our regular character. Whenever we realize he's there, he is always looking at us. Keeping this story in mind, please be careful with what type of regular you would like.
Stopped blogging because Google believes there was "Invalid Clicking" and took away my ads but finally found the heart to begin again because people need to know that people such as banana man exist: Story of my life.

By the way... I got on ESPN

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hail to the Fruit Breezers

This morning I woke up and sounded like Marcel the Shell

Marcel the Shell

For those of you who don't know him, I will post his video at the end of this entry just because I think everyone needs to see it.

Anyway. This morning I woke up with his voice. It is because of my allergies. Some people would say I sound like a frog with no friends but I prefer to have people like me so I choose to be Marcel.

Thanks to my mother who is afraid I will never have enough cough drops-- I have a plethora of cough drops.

Today I have decided that Halls Fruit Breezers should never have been invented. Don't get me wrong, I think they are SO good. I eat them like candy (they're only 15 calories)

I'm sitting in my 11:15am class coughing up a storm and realized that I was out of them! oh God no please! I went back to my dorm and looked in my designated cough drop drawer and you know what I found? No more fruit breezers! Only lemon honey and menthol. (Who wants menthol?... ever)

Then it hit me. Fruit Breezers should never have been invented. They have spoiled me. They taste so delicious and make my throat feel glorious. Not to mention they now offer inspirational messages on the wrappers
  • The show must go on. Or work
  • Power Through!
  • Inspire Envy
  • Don't try harder. Do harder!
  • Keep your chin up!

Right? These damn cough drops have been sweet talking me and now they are just gone!

I've been spoiled for too long.
Heading to the convenience store to pick up some more fruit breezers because I was told never to settle when it comes to love: Story of my life.

Here's Marcel the Shell like a promised:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Dearest Superbowl

My Dearest Superbowl,

I am writing to ask you a simple question: Why did you break my heart?

No, it wasn't because the Eagles didn't play-- that was expected.  And it was a little due to the fact that the best performance you could find was Madonna whom which is so old you needed to give her some famous escorts like Nikki Minaj, Ce Lo Green, and MIA just so that the newer generations could follow your music without the rap or cursing. (And for the record I'm not even sure many people know MIA anymore after she really did go MIA after having a baby. Where does she even live? Like... England? Whatever)

I was really hurt and let down great degrees when you decided to make every commercial about a car and/or it was inspirational. Sometimes even like.. an inspirational car.

The only reason many of us watch the Superbowl is for your commercials!

You used to crack me up, you used to make me smile, you used to touch my heart with ever punch line.

What happened to you? I thought we had a good thing going on. Did I do something wrong? I just don't understand why you would do something like this to me.

I mean... I understand you're getting old. What are you like 48 now? But just because you're getting up there doesn't mean that you still can't keep your spunk and attraction. I mean look at Madonna! (Minus the attraction...)

I hope you take this letter not as a desperate plea for my affection again but as a car driving butt loads of inspiration to try harder next year..

Sincerely with less love,
Wishing you would have laughed more due to the famous Superbowl commercials but still thankful for the night of laughter due to wings, friends, and cookies: Story of my life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

#1 Cliche Proves to be True.

Someone once said that the day is only as good as you make it.

I don't know who said it but it is definitely more than true.

Today I woke up, not having much sleeping, slightly miserable and anxious for an exam I had in the only class I have Tuesday and Thursday.  I went down to my boyfriends room-- keeping in mind I'm not in a good mood-- and we made our way throughout campus to embark on our separate routines for the day.

For the first half hour of my day I was dreading every bit of it. After handing in my notes to my Nittany Notes, I walked outside and finally realized that it was about 55 degrees in State College today.

How could I have missed that? It is beyond beautiful here today.

The rest of the day played out really well. I laughed with my boyfriend, I studied for my exam, I destroyed my exam (seriously I am so confident about it), I went to the creamery with my boyfriend and sat outside enjoying the weather.

There is nothing more I want to do right now than be outside. So much so that I am currently sitting outside at a table doing homework (well... blogging first)

Evan turned to me and said how cool it was to see everyone outside enjoying the weather.

Then it hit me.

The trick to making your day the best you can isn't taking it as a whole and trying to do something extraordinary every single day; it's looking at the little things in life. The things that when combined with other great things, make something extraordinary.  This morning I shouldn't have woken up and thought of all the negatives. I should have gotten up, kissed my boyfriend the moment I saw him, and soaked in the nice weather that probably won't last more than a couple days.

It's easy to be pessimistic, but it's even easier to smile when good things happen.

Do me a favor: Take that to heart.
Sitting in the glorious breeze appreciating all that life has given me so far: Story of my life.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun Facts for Week 4 of the Semester

A lot of things occurred to me today. These are the fun facts that followed them.

1.) As if Friday January 28th, I can officially give blood again! Why you may ask? January 28, 2011, I got my tattoo on my foot. In the state of Pennsylvania you can't give blood for a year after you got your tattoo. I can now donate my blood FTK (For The Kids for all you non Penn Staters; it's a THON thing)

2.) As you may know, methane is in our atmosphere. How does it get there you may ask? Well. Here is one way home: Cow burps. Due to the constant cud the cows crew, digest, regurgitate and digest again, their burps contribute to about 16% of the methane in our atmosphere.

3.)  Green peppers are a natural pain killer... who knew!? Too bad I hate green peppers. That's probably why I'm always in pain and a borderline hypochondriac.

4.) If there is a class that is going to talk about the climate of the Earth... don't take it. It's not just climate. It also includes math, a little bit of chem, and physics. Now, I didn't take chem or physics for a reason. So I took earth 002. HAH! Just kidding! They tricked me!

5.) I don't know if you have ever read a news paper or the collegian at all you may not know that sometimes they have little mini articles on the side of the first page. For some reason, those are the articles that people should be most alarmed about like... A skinned dear head placed/found on the porch of a frat house. Or... a man was caught masturbating in the gym locker room-- for the record, he isn't a student. Yeah.. I would love to know if there was some creep touching himself! Thanks for thinking of me and not alarming me though. Always looking out for the students

6.) DID YOU KNOW: If you buy a grande cappuccino every lecture during the semester, you'll spend $150. BUT if you buy a semester pack of Nittany Notes, it's only $40! (Yeah... I went there.)

7.) Giraffes make a similar sound to a sheep. A bleating noise. So Dave Brown of Econ 102 was incorrect today. We had to answer questions and instead of yelling out "A!" or "B!" and so on, we had to Moo for A; Baa for B; Bark for C; and Sound like a dying giraffe for D. Well... that was a trick question sir! Giraffes can't make an unique sound. So what if I wanted to say D but he mistook it for B!? Then I'm wrong..

8.) State College seems to ALWAYS be 10 degrees colder than my hometown. It's always pretty much like exactly 10 degrees. Today. At home it was 33 degrees. Here it was 23 degrees. Lame.

9.) On an average day I find about .06 cents on the streets of State College and University Park. 7 days in a week is .42 cents. 4 weeks in a months is $1.68. 12 months in 1 year is $20.16! So thank you to the careless students of Penn State who drop their change they think they don't need. I am making $20 a year doing nothing due to your carelessness!

10.) Unless that is your skin color, your face should never be so tan that it is mistaken for some nutella you left smudged on your cheeks after you ate some for breakfast. Do you really think that people can't see the color difference from your face to your neck? Please, use bronzer and the tanning salon responsibly. You're making me look gorgeous and I'm not used to this good life.

11.) When making a hot item in the microwave, as soon as you take it out, don't put a plastic spoon in there. It ends up like this.

Just thought I'd share.
Learning the most important lessons just by people watching on my way to class: Story of my life.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

On the Road Again

This weekend I went home since technically it was still my birthday weekend. this is how it played out.

Friday January 27

Evan and I waited for the bus at the Fullington Trails.  It didn't come until like ten minutes after we were supposed to leave, but we had our fun.

We got home at about 9:45 and that was that night in addition to a little argument about the beach house for my family. We won't get into that. I'm not allowed to talk about it until March when I have a "creative solution" anyway

Saturday January 28

My sister got a new apartment with her family and I pretty much spent the majority of my day there. It's really nice but next to a cemetery and I um... don't do the whole... cemetery thing. That's how like... The poltergeist shit happens. No thank you.

My nephew was really scared I was going to leave all day because when my dad and grandparents left and I was giving them all hugs.. he started crying, latched himself to my leg and walked with me (still attached to my leg) until he knew I was safely on he couch. Yes.. my 2 year old nephew did hold me hostage. Not a great sign. Later that night My family came over for dinner and cake. Which by the way.... I quite possibly overloaded on cake. I am officially borderline large.

He also loves Evan...

OH! and! I suggest you start watching the show Alcatraz. It's really good but super confusing so I'm a little unsure how I feel about it. But really, it's good.

Sunday January 28

By this morning, I was so ready to come back to school. I love my family and all but they drive me freaking crazy! and I'm really emotional so they make me cry a lot. So I guess it's partly my fault I cry so much. SO maybe... it's all my fault. Whatever.

Anyway, I woke up looking like I had pink eye. In turn my boyfriend asked me if someone farted in my face. The answer to that was No. No one farted in my face. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Also, since my suitcase was packed last night because I had a printer in there (that was my birthday present. I'm a nerd. I know) I used my mom straightener. It freaking beat me up!

See this!!

Lame. By about 5pm, I was ready to go. We took the bus, slipped on ice on the mountain, got home, slid all the way home on the sidewalks.  And now here I am..

I was informed that my blog is not funny anymore. It kind of broke my heart so just listen to this...

I AM TRYING SO HARD! Everyone has their bad days. So do I. Please just laugh a little. If you pretend you'll believe. Duh, Have you ever watched any Disney movie?
Glad to be back to school  after a long weekend with the family I love and trying so hard to make my audience proud: Story of my life.

Please, just laugh... I JUST WANT YOU TO LIKE ME!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

This Entry is Probably Not Worth Reading.

It's been pretty tough to blog in the past two days, sorry about that guys. My entry today may not be very entertaining so I'm not really expecting a lot of views or people to actually read it. It's been really sad and somber up here at State since Joe passed. It's really hitting everyone day by day.

Tuesday January 24, I'm not really sure what happened to be honest. I didn't have lecture that day and when that happens I just kind of go blank.

I wanted to go to the Joe Paterno public viewing  they were having all day at the church near the Forum but... 30,000 people came and the line stretched like 5 blocks. No lie.

January 25, 2012: I turned 19! Yup, Happy Birthday Kelsey! They're burying Joepa..

Yeah. I didn't know how to feel. On campus the streets filled with people waiting to see the procession while Joe was on the way to the cemetary. It didn't feel right to celebrate my birthday but I did anyway.

My girls took me to Chili's for dinner and it was fun. The waitress was borderline stupid but it was okay. She hated my roommate we think but the food was spit free. That's always a plus right?

My roommate and the girl next door got me a Marilyn Monroe poster. The my friend down the hall made me a great card, my boyfriend got me a ring holder, a cupcake from *ndulge (if you ever come to State College, go there! They are delicious and fill the center with icing), and a book called 13 Reason's Why. It's a book about this girl that commits suicide and she leaves cassette tapes for this guy telling him why she did what she did. It is supposed to be really good. I'll tell you about it when I'm done.
That's my ring holder, cute huh? And behind that is my computer (obviously) and a picture of my sister and I at her wedding.

Today, was kind of crappy. I went to the college of education to change my major to find out I'm like 2 semesters behind and I wanted to cry. I think I'm going to look into Rehabilitation and Human Services within the school system. If anyone cares.

I missed the "Memorial For Joe" since I had lecture but its on again at 8 on WPSU and 10 on the Big Ten Network. You should watch. Then at 10 I'm going to the HUB to see Moneyball.

Tomorrow I go home. I can't wait.
Saying your final goodbye to Joe Paterno on the Penn State Campus which really gets to you because of the atmosphere but also needing a reason to smile and looking for motivation for an entry all at the same time: Story of my life.

Sorry Guys, It's been a tough week.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Once Again About A Fortune Cookie

Okay, I know I talk about fortune cookies a lot of the time but this time is completely and utterly necessary.

Tonight while I was eating dinner, a heinous crime was committed. Just as any other fortune loving person would, I picked up a fortune cookie to make my day better. I opened my cookie and found this:

No Fortune!!!

I kid you not! I was jipped of my daily fortune! I really needed that fortune too! I was having such a shitty day! I didn't get any sleep last night, I forgot my umbrella and walked outside to the rain. My campus is somber and sad, and I've been stressed for some unknown reason.

What did I ever do to this fortune cookie man for him to not write me my personal fortune I get every day?

All I'm asking is for my fortune please... currently my future is unclear. That's just the worst.
Realizing that I can do great things with great people as long as I put all my passion into it, whether the fortune cookie gave me my future or not thanks you JoePa: Story of my life.

P.S. The Candlelight vigil in memory of Joe Paterno was last night here on campus in front of old main. It was very emotional and I'm still all caught up in it. That is where JoePa came in within this blog. Just so you know.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Experiencing What Paterno Stands For: Courage, Support, and Strength

Tonight, it seemed as though the entire world was silent.

At 8:45 pm word broke that Joe Paterno had passed away. (Let it be known that was inaccurate and he is currently still fighting on just as he always has, stay strong Joe and Paterno family)

Hundreds of students flocked to his statue outside of Beaver Stadium. All thinking that a great man had just passed. The bitter cold slapped us all in the face. My roommate, my boyfriend, my future roommate, and myself were part of that group. We first arrived at the statue.

People would make their way to the front, to reach the statue, pay their respects, and leave. In the midst of the crowd and slightly moving forward, we found out that the source we had heard it from was wrong. Jay and Scott Paterno tweeted that their dad was still alive and still fighting strong. Also, that Jay drove by the statue, went home and told his dad about everyone there praying, and said that JoePa was "inspired." Tonight, the True Staters gave exactly what Joe did to the University all 60 or so years:  Unconditional Support and prayer. 
Standing out there, being so cold you want to get sick, cry, and run just to feel your limbs, I can say with all of my heart that there isn't anything else I would have rather have done tonight. I supported my University through it all and will until I too see my end. Joe Paterno has done so much for this University and STILL continues to do so (even after being terminated due to the tragedies and Sandusky Scandal).

I could not be anymore proud of where I am right now and how strong our community is.

For the Glory...
Praying for the Paterno's and sending all my love: Story of my life.

The Truth About My "College Experience"

For starters, I'm not having a shitty time at school. I adore it here. This is just one struggle.

You know how the stereotypical title given to a college student is that they are poor? You know like, "Nah man I can't do that tonight. I'm a poor college student".

Yeah... Well they are exactly right. Whoever started that whole label couldn't be any more right.

No, I'm not poor. My family is well off but everyone still has their struggles. And yeah, I worked throughout high school to save money for college so I still have some left over from my savings. But we still are living in a very scarce time when.

In Econ 102 (with Dave Brown, he's a cool guy) I learned that scarcity is everywhere. Scarcity is something that everyone wants and desires but there isn't enough to supply everyone with the same amount. You can't ration them it. And that could be for any item. But for me (and it seems to be the reoccurring theme for today) it's money.

I have to start filling out scholarships because I would like to not only go on vacation this year but I would also like to be recognized for my achievements. Unfortunately, so would the rest of my fellow students here at State.

You want to know what else I learned in Econ? The total amount of student loans all together has reached $1 trillion. People are having to ask themselves if school is even worth it. I personally believe it is worth every penny I have put into it and that my parents have put into it. Yeah student loans blow but the sense of accomplishment I feel when I make Dean's List is extraordinary.

My boyfriend and I went downtown this morning to look for jobs for him (I am currently working for Nittany Notes). As we go from business to business you could see he progressively got more stressed. He looked almost sickened. On our way back to the dorms, I found $20 on the ground. He then started cursing the heavens (which he didn't mean, I can assure you). He couldn't even believe that HE went looking for a job because he needs money and I found $20.  I mean I was stoked, but I could see he was just so discouraged.

The moral of this entry (which I know, people ---my sister--- enjoy funnier ones but I needed to say this) is that maybe something like the barter system would be better in some cases. I trade you one good for a service and so on. I know it didn't work in the past but wouldn't it be a little easier on the heart stress wise? I hate having to worry if I can actually enjoy my summer or if I'll be constantly working so I can have the opportunity to go to school. I can't even really enjoy a good college sports game anymore unless it's free.

If more people would have known that worrying about money constantly was a part of the "college experience" I bet you they wouldn't be so excited to start their life on their own.
Filling out scholarships, thinking of jobs to apply to after this semester, working on homework, and forgetting your birthday is four days away because of the stress that never leaves your mind: Story of my life.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mac and Cheese Please.

You'd think that the average college default food was pizza right?

Well yeah it is, but with my experience within the first semester and even now, it's not the first choice people default to.

It's rival: Mac and cheese.

It's true. You may be thinking, "Wow, that's a lot of noodle and cheese to eat as a fallback all the time"

Tis true, but! It is convenient and filling.

They have easy mac, all the dining halls sell it and its cheap.

BUT! Be aware of what kind you are eating. For example: here, they have the tiny, normal, stereotypical noodle. You know like half circle. And the cheese is like whitish yellowish but very faint. They are much larger noodles than the easy mac size and fills a whole soup container.

Yeah... That's a no go. It sits in your stomach like a brick and it doesn't go away. Trust me. Every time you breathe, another artery closes. Until the point that you can no longer breathe.

Here is the mac and cheese you should look for on campus.

The correct way mac and cheese should look

1) Spirals are always good. They are fun and delicious. Who doesn't like spirals? 'Cause I sure do.
2) The cheese looks creamy and more yellow than white.

If you ever look for mac and cheese on campus, don't buy it unless it looks like this. Trust me. It's not worth it. This type of deliciousness only comes around once in a blue moon (FUN FACT: a blue moon is the second full moon in one calendar month-- thank you Astro 005)

Take my advice wisely my friends
Realizing it is slightly pathetic that you care this much about the technicalities of macaroni and cheese: Story of my life.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Scratch the Love From Yesterday

Today's Horoscope:

"Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take small steps."

Sitting at dinner I read that to my boyfriend. He then said, "What's your distant goal?"
And I said, "Not to be fat" (referring to the past post about me gaining weight.)
He then said, "See! Taking small steps to lose weight!" ( I got a bruschetta pizza for dinner, it was healthier than the other pizza's)

I said," Are you calling me fat?"
He said," No, your fortune cookie called you fat."

Did you hear that guys?! Fortune cookies can insult you. Huh. Who would have known.

The previous post about me loving my boyfriend so much is now being taken back.

SO HA! Take that. So much for all that love.
Being able to kid around with the significant other in your life even when you want to punch them in the face hours later while he's being a jerk at the gym yet continuing to love unconditionally: Story of my life.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 365: HECK YES!

Today-- January 16, 2012-- marks the one year that I have been with my fantastic boyfriend, Evan.

Here at State College, there isn't much to do if you don't have a car. You have already been there, done that, and eaten there about 100 times.

Evan on the otherhand managed to find something new for us do today. (Oh yes, this is only be beginning to how amazing he is)

First, we went to the State Theater. He took my to see My Week With Marilyn.

For those of you who don't know me I adore Marilyn Monroe. Now, I wouldn't say I'm obsessed but... yeah I'm borderline.

Anyway, That movie was fantastic! Like seriously, what a fantastic movie. I highly suggest you see it whether you are a fan or not. It was so great. And I left respecting her even more. Needless to say, RIP.

While we walked out of the theater, we noticed it was sleeting and freeze raining (yeah, thats a term... I think?) Good thing we didn't have to walk too fair before we hit the restaurant.

We went to Cafe 210 West. If you are ever in State College, do yourself -- and your taste buds hehe-- a favor and hit it up. I ordered the chicken parm sandwich and it was BANGIN'. Seriously. No lie. The bread was like ahhhhhhh, fantasmic. (Figure that word out yourself.)

We ate, flirted, kissed giggled, and came back to the dorm where he handed me the cutest present ever! A little pandora charm. guess what it was... A LITTLE FREAKING GIRAFFE! Again... for those of you who don't know me... I LOVE giraffes. A lot. Isn't he adorable?! I think so .

Aren't we the cutest? Duh.
Being all cliche and living the dream with the friends, the family, the schooling, and THE BEST BOYFRIEND ever: Story of my life.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

This is My True Life

Since I've come to school, I find myself watching MTV's True Life like it's my job.

I don't know if you have ever watched any of them but some are really weird. Like this one True Life : I'm addicted to porn. And it followed 3 people. 2 dudes who couldn't give up porn for a job or even their families and a girl who was a porn star and refused to quit.

Watching these, my boyfriend makes up episodes as if it was for me. Like True Life: My girlfriend is a goob. Or True Life: I'm dating a thug

Thinking about it, my episode would change from day to day. Like today it would be True Life: I'm addicted to chap stick

Have you guys ever heard of the EOS chap stick? It comes in like an egg? Well my boy got me 2 for Christmas and I use it literally like every 10 minutes, not even lying. I can't help it. The ball shape really forms to my lips.

SEE! This is a problem!!  But I don't care. This is my life. Bitch...
(The bitch part was needed. You'd understand if you were with me on a daily basis)

I think it would be a really shocking episode right? Like "Oh God!? Why won't she just put it down?!"

So MTV... choose me for a True Life... Thank you.

My suggestions to you: Watch True Life and buy yourself an EOS chap stick egg.
Would never give up my chap stick addiction because my lips are endlessly smooth moist and plump? Oh yeah: Story of my life

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome Winter! You're A Little Late...

If you didn't know, it is winter. And up until last night, it didn't really feel like winter up here (or down depending on where you are) in State. Yeah, it was cold and a little breezy but it only rained. Well, last night that changed completely.

Last night-- Thirsty Thursday-- every one went out in their college best. You know like, skanky and all. Anyway. At about 1:30 am, my roommate and I woke up at the same time.

Our window was open (only because the heat in this building is like a freaking sauna) and the rain/snow/wintry mix pounded against our window, into our room due to the heavy winds. It literally sounded like a tornado was hitting us. The wind shook our room. At this point you hear everyone screaming and racing back to their dorms: coming home from their parties, barely wearing much clothes for the winter standard, and caught in this crazy wind attack.

To you, I say HAHA. You deserve it. You have Tequila Tuesday, Whisky Wednesday, and you need Thirsty Thursday too? Isn't that called alcoholism? But whatever, it's your life. Some of us here have classes in the morning.

At about 7 am, my roommate got up to shut our window only to find that it was frozen open. Damn...

The weather today was 22 degrees with a real feel of -2 because of the wind chill. We also had a wind advisory here of winds of 50 mph. Sucks right? Not really. It's just your average day in State.

Moral of the story: Tornado's in the valley are not very likely... ever.
Thanking my parents endlessly for getting me my well needed North Face jacket while I suffer the walks to class in the tundra of Arctic State: Story of my life.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wait, You're Not Smarter than a Fifth Grader?

Sometimes, when I walk around campus, I hear the dumbest shit.

One time, I was eating lunch and this chick walked over to the trash can with her friend.

If you've been to Penn State before, you know that they are all about recycling-- and recycling everything possible.  Each trash can has its own label over it to tell you where to put what right? Okay.

Anyway. So this chick walks over to the trash can with her friend. She holds up the obviously Styrofoam container, turns to her friend and says, "Do you think this has foam in it?" Her friend then answered with, "Um, yeah, I think so. But I'm not positive so don't listen to me."

Uh... What?! I'm almost sure that my 2 year old nephew could tell you that container was for the most part made of foam. And you are in college?! At least your sophomore year and Penn State University Main Campus?

How the HELL did you get in here? I busted my butt in high school with honors and AP classes to get into this school (Main the first year of course) and you walk around asking those questions out loud!?

Students are put on academic probation if their GPA is under a 2.00 here and you can't freaking figure out if you take out Styrofoam container has Styrofoam in it!? My Lord!

Do us all a favor here on campus and read a book or something. If out ranking goes down in academic standings because you're inferior, whether you're pretending or not, I will personally kick your ass.
Developing a twitch whenever I hear someone say something that a first grader would even know is wrong on a college campus: Story of my life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5 Little Leasons from the Day of Me, Kelsey.

Not much happened today. I had one class and that's it. So... due to that fact I am just going to inform you with 5 things I learned today. Let's begin.

1) If you have books that you ordered, need to pick up, buy, or need to return: take them back in the morning. Everyone else on campus is either in bed still or in class so chances are the bookstore won't be as packed as you expected it to be during syllabus week.

2) If you are doing a ton of walking-- meaning more than you usually do on a daily basis-- chances are your body is going to be dying for some carbs. I found that out today myself. In turn, for dinner I had a small personal pizza from the dining hall and two extra long bread sticks.

3) Even if you were just sick, had taken Penicillin for about 10 days, and have abnormally large tonsils: you WILL still get sick a week later. The vitamins that are supposed to be helping my immunity and the IB profin you are taking won't help either way. You're screwed. Welcome to my life.

4) If you set a goal for yourself to work out every other day or so: Do not go to the gym around dinner time (let's say 6:45 pm) on a campus with thousands of people. There will be line and you'll have to wait. Not to mention being in a gym that has a line due to max capacity probably means it's the perfect breeding ground for some more bacteria to get caught in your  said abnormally large tonsils. Fml.

5) If you are still sweating and just coming out of the gym into the cold air with a temperature of about 33 degrees: try and get all of the moisture you can. DON'T go to wash your face and lean over the sink thinking everything will be okay. It won't be. In fact, you'll get a massive nose bleed.

Welcome to my life, one and all.
Breaking down the day's events to find out that your day was actually shittier than you perceived yet you are still content with how the day played out in the end : Story of my life.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Give Thanks to Your Fortune Cookie Man.

Today's Fortune:

" As long as you don't sign up for anything new, you'll do fine."

Um... what?

That stands as the worst fortune I ever  broke open out of a cookie. Thank you depressed and pessimistic fortune cookie fortune maker, you scared the shit out of me! Keeping in mind, today is the first day of the new semester. Fantastic. I would be the one person to get the least encouraging fortune ever. It's not like I already have an issue with change or anything. Oh wait... I do. Jerk.

Anyway. I headed off to class after lunch thinking about the fortune. I sat in class, half listening to my professor going over the syllabus and then swiftly left the classroom when she ended class early. After that, I darted to the Hub to by my books for that class. I got there, found my books, and proceeded to check out.

I heard the lady ringing up my books until she said loud and proud, "Your total is $270.27"

WHAT THE F@$% ?!

I stumbled out of the bookstore-- confused and sad. I sat at a table waiting for my boyfriend to meet me after his class. When he finally showed up he immediately said, "What's wrong? You look like you're about to cry"

And indeed I was.

Later on he said it looked like I was just punched in the stomach.

Indeed it felt that way.

I had only just bought one book and the MyMathLab that was required for my class. And the total was $270? I instantly felt the same way my mom does when she does bills: Sick.

I told my boyfriend all about it. Let me tell you something... He was not having any of it. He likes to save lots of money. He's a thrifty kid. It's cute.

We went downtown to the student bookstore there and found my same math book--used-- for rental. Guess how much... only $45! Heck Yes!! There was no way I was going to pass up that! I rented the book and went on my way. Skipping up the street to my next class I started to schedule out when I was going to go back to the bookstore on campus and return the book I had just paid $166.65 for. And then it hit me.

That fortune wasn't talking about my life and not trying new things or experiences; it was talking about me not buying a brand new book! The new books cost a butt load more than the used. And what did I do? I bought all new books. And it completely screwed my wallet over.

So today, I would like to give thanks. Thank you fortune cookie man, for allowing me to experience that revelation as it hit me like a brick.  Also... sorry for calling you a jerk earlier.
Somewhat enjoying the chaos of syllabus week because you just learned something that wasn't taught in a classroom or by a professor but by the person that wrote your fortune cookie fortune: Story of my life.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Oh hey Semester 2: Bring. It. On.

Spring semester is currently knocking at my door. I head back up to school tomorrow for another 4 months for fun, learning, laughs, inevitably some tears, and some feelings of homesickness.

I'm trying to be a lot healthier and better with my money this semester. For example: I will not go to the convenient store every night for a snack. Bad Idea. Practically all my meal points were gone by the end of the semester and I had to cut corners at the end. That sucked, let me tell you that.

Also, along with the healthy goal-- I went to Giant today to stock up on some new groceries for this upcoming semester. It went like this:

- String Cheese
-Herbal Tea
-Oatmeal and
-Miso Soup

According to my mom, who heard it from Dr. Oz (personally of course), Miso Soup is a belly fat burner. Supposedly it contained less triglycerides which contribute to the belly fat that sticks and it hard to get rid of.  As well as Sauerkraut.

So I'm hoping that with all these healthy treats and foods (that I am praying to be filling as well) will go hand in hand with the gym membership I bought for the year.

Here's a little fun fact: I gained the freshman 15 in ONE semester. What a fat ass am I? The answer is a huge one. Thank you for answering.

The only thing that puzzles me is that up until I came home, all my clothes still fit. Except, now all my shorts and one pair of jeans don't fit. Thank you maturing hips. I don't want a baby yet. What the bleep.

For all of your reading this and thinking, "Um, where did all this fat ass talk come from? I thought you oozed confidence."

Yes, yes I do. However, I go back to school and all that food there is everything BUT healthy. And, I am also going back to the Wii entry and how it  too thinks I'm fat.

Get ready for a new semester of stories guys; they are coming strong.
Excited to go back to my life at school and ready to kill this semester: Story of my life.

Friday, January 6, 2012

FML Hard.

Have you ever felt like a idiot. Like when someone says something to you and it hits you that the entire time you were actually making an ass out of yourself? I have.

No, sadly I am not going to tell you what I am talking about this time, it's just not worth the time. Lo siento.

However, me being super emotional, I dwell on it for hours on end. Who does that?! Why can't I just be normal and get over it?

Don't you wish there was a switch in your brain that as soon as you hit it, everything that was bothering you went away?  I do. I've been stuck in this rut all day. This "Jesus Cristo Kelsey why are you such an idiot? What the hell could you have been thinking every time you talked about it? How old are you?" rut.

So what the hell do I do? Help would be greatly appreciated.
In a funk, can't get over and don't know how to go about anything including simply writing a blog: Story of my life.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Measuring... Measuring... All done!

Since I've been home for semester break, I've tried to get on the Wii every day. For fitness and whatnot. So every morning when I wake up (If my parents aren't home that is because the TV is usually occupied) I get on the Wii to play the Wii fit plus and do the body test.

Not forgetting to mention that since 2012 hit, every other commercial is about a new weight loss program. The subliminal messages really messed with my head making weight loss a prime time thought in my head.

Back to my story: For those of you who are not familiar with the Wii Fit body test, it measures your center of balance, gives you you're BMI, your weight, tests you with some mind tricks and what not, then gives you your "Wii Fit Age"

I got on yesterday and it said I had lost 1.8 pounds. Heck yes! Then I get on today, feeling extra fantastic since I played it yesterday and I felt it in my muscles. ( I suggest you play the hula hooping game because it really works your obliques-- I still feel it)

Anyway, I get on this morning and it said I gained 2 pounds! What the hell! How did I manage to not only gain back what I had lost but gain it back and then some! And yeah, I know your weight fulcuates 2 pounds throughout the day but I took the Wii's advice and did it at the same time every morning for a more acurate measure.

Not only that but then it proceeded to add weight onto my Mii character! And no, no it did not distribute the weight correctly through my body because it freaking gave me muffin tops! Bitch...

At this point, I am cursing at the Wii. Who are you to tell me I'm at a healthy weight then give me muffin tops at the same time?!

Right then, I decided to go into a health binge. I will pursue exercising, a healthy diet, and a subscription to Women's Health magazine.
I feel healthy... Sometimes.
I'm in shape... kind of.
I'm happy with my body... depending on the day.

So for this, I thank the Wii Fit, for encouraging me by telling me I'm at a healthy weight yet mocking me and contributing to the amount of self consciousness I feel about my weight and how attractive I am to my boyfriend. (I wasn't always self conscious about that; being cheated on does that to you)
Thank you Wii Fit, for showing me that I will not be a model as long as I have those muffin tops.
Thank you Wii Fit, for making the "Oh!" noise when I step on your board.
And Thank you Wii Fit, for informing me that I gained weight at least 4 times in one minute.

...You Jack Ass.
Conforming to the stereotypical New Year's resolution of being healthy and losing weight because of a stupid video game that doesn't know how much muscle I am made of while not taking into consideration how confident I am in my body as is: Story of my life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thank You for being an Unchangeable Individual.

Today my boyfriend introduced me to a new show that proved to be awkward yet hilarious.

It's called Billy on the Street on

This guy, Billy Eichner, goes around in the streets of New York City and interrogates random people also roaming the streets. He asks questions on pop culture such as celebrities (e.g. Katy Perry, Julia Roberts, Alicia Keys). The only catch is some of the questions he asks, for you to get them right that is, are completely subjective off his views.

However, if you do get them right, you get money! Anywhere from $1 to $25 to $100.

Cool right?

Maybe. If you're a different kind of person. All I could think while watching it was, "What would I have done if he came up to me all crazy and abrasive?"

Chances are I would have been lame and walked away-- fast. I wouldn't have played his little game. I may be outgoing but there were cameras!! Who likes cameras? I was even embarrassed to act for a music video for my Spanish class in front of my boyfriend last year.

So I guess the real question remains this:

Do people stay the same when they are put into different situations? If you are outgoing, adventurous, loud, bubbly and enthusiastic, would you be that way if someone bombarded you on the streets with a microphone and a camera offering you one single dollar if you got it right?

For me... Probably not. But that doesn't make me fake and if you think that does, I have some choice words for you ya jerks.

Why don't you check it out yourself and tell me how you feel watching it:

Diagnosing myself with a mild case of general anxiety disorder due to the fact that I get anxious, uncomfortable, and slightly giddy when I see other people in awkward situations: Story of my Life.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Oh 2012, Where Have You Been All My Life?

Welcome to the New Year! It is officially 2012! Are you are ready for all of the end of the world talk that is soon to come? I'm not. Let's take a look inside how my New Year's eve went shall we?

SO. Yesterday, I started my day at 11:45am while I was on my way to Philadelphia with my boyfriend and his family.

Let me tell you something, driving through Philly is scary. Not like scenery scary, it is actually very pretty there. But everyone driving so close, honking, and the crazy schizophrenic people sitting on the sides of the streets cursing... That is scary.

I visited LOVE park for the first time. And yes, I know. Living about 40 minutes out of Philly you could ask why haven't you been there?! And I have no answer for that. I don't know. I am sorry.

We went shopping in Rittenhouse Square and let me tell you something else: They do NOT mess around with their security. We went into H&M and they had a big, husky, intimidating black man in a very snazzy suit standing at every door.

I learned while shopping at H&M that I don't know how to shop correctly. Where as my boyfriend's sister is like super bargain shopper. She practically stole from the stores with all the savings she found.

We continued shopping-- Anthropology, Barnes and Nobles, Some expensive store, H&M again-- and we walked through a park. I don't know what park it was but it was a park nonetheless. We walked by this "Occupy" group. But it wasn't the real occupy. These people were scary and faces painted like a clown chanting about pamphlets. Um... Okay 1%?

After that, we went to dinner in China Town. The place we ate at was freaking Delicious! Fresh EVERYTHING. The cooked duck looked like a squirrel to me but it was good. And I want you all to know that the Chinese food you buy from local stores is no where NEAR as good and authentic at somewhere in China Town. For example, I ordered the sesame chicken. I was expecting the brownish sauce with a couple sesame seeds but it came out as this:
Tender chicken breaded in sesame seeds covered in lemon sauce with a side of fresh seemed broccoli. And let me tell you! The lemon sauce tasted like a liquefied lollipop. It was truly delectable.

Let me fast forward a tad.

We saw some fireworks, left Philly, came home, went over to my house to be with my family, neighbors, and brothers friends, played some Wii, went to target to buy a helicopter, played dirty minds, played with the helicopter, ate some wings, and kissed my boo when the ball dropped.

Then, they went outside and started screaming. My brother had the idea to go streaking. My boyfriend was the first to be undressed.

Yup, those are my boys.
(Left to Right: Carney, Brother, Ryan, Boyfriend)
Have a Happy New Year!!
Already having the best year with only 12 hours under my belt and not even exaggerating: Story of my life.