Monday, January 9, 2012

Give Thanks to Your Fortune Cookie Man.

Today's Fortune:

" As long as you don't sign up for anything new, you'll do fine."

Um... what?

That stands as the worst fortune I ever  broke open out of a cookie. Thank you depressed and pessimistic fortune cookie fortune maker, you scared the shit out of me! Keeping in mind, today is the first day of the new semester. Fantastic. I would be the one person to get the least encouraging fortune ever. It's not like I already have an issue with change or anything. Oh wait... I do. Jerk.

Anyway. I headed off to class after lunch thinking about the fortune. I sat in class, half listening to my professor going over the syllabus and then swiftly left the classroom when she ended class early. After that, I darted to the Hub to by my books for that class. I got there, found my books, and proceeded to check out.

I heard the lady ringing up my books until she said loud and proud, "Your total is $270.27"

WHAT THE F@$% ?!

I stumbled out of the bookstore-- confused and sad. I sat at a table waiting for my boyfriend to meet me after his class. When he finally showed up he immediately said, "What's wrong? You look like you're about to cry"

And indeed I was.

Later on he said it looked like I was just punched in the stomach.

Indeed it felt that way.

I had only just bought one book and the MyMathLab that was required for my class. And the total was $270? I instantly felt the same way my mom does when she does bills: Sick.

I told my boyfriend all about it. Let me tell you something... He was not having any of it. He likes to save lots of money. He's a thrifty kid. It's cute.

We went downtown to the student bookstore there and found my same math book--used-- for rental. Guess how much... only $45! Heck Yes!! There was no way I was going to pass up that! I rented the book and went on my way. Skipping up the street to my next class I started to schedule out when I was going to go back to the bookstore on campus and return the book I had just paid $166.65 for. And then it hit me.

That fortune wasn't talking about my life and not trying new things or experiences; it was talking about me not buying a brand new book! The new books cost a butt load more than the used. And what did I do? I bought all new books. And it completely screwed my wallet over.

So today, I would like to give thanks. Thank you fortune cookie man, for allowing me to experience that revelation as it hit me like a brick.  Also... sorry for calling you a jerk earlier.
Somewhat enjoying the chaos of syllabus week because you just learned something that wasn't taught in a classroom or by a professor but by the person that wrote your fortune cookie fortune: Story of my life.

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