Monday, February 20, 2012

Battle of the Sexes

It's been a while, I know I am sorry. Last week I had 3 exams, this weekend was THON, and I have 2 exams this week. SO being the college student my parents are paying for me to be, I had to study instead of blog my thoughts away.

I wasn't originally going to blog today but then something happened that I couldn't pass up. Here we go.

Have you ever met that girl that has a thousand guy friends and maybe 2 close girl friends? It seems like every girl you meet for the first time is like, "Yeah, most of my friends are guys, No big deal" And at first thought you're like yeah... you're lying.

BUT! That's not true about that chick and once you sit down and think about it, it is so very true.

I myself am one of those girls that prefer having guys as friends over girls for many reasons. Want to hear why?
  1. Guys have much more to talk about than just what girl they are currently hooking up with and when they could possibly see them again. To be quite frank girls obsess over little things like a text message or a facebook "like" as if it is the most important thing in the world. I just had dinner with my boyfriend and his friends and want to know what we talked about? The divorce rate of families and how children of the parents who stayed together have the potential for more success with the exceptions of some. Just based of the odds of the people we know. When would you EVER have a conversation like that with a girl unless you were really rad?
  2. Girls will sit around and paint their nails while still talking about that significant other. Maybe it's just because I bite my nails that this doesn't appeal to me but I would much rather watch YouTube videos or talk about absolutely anything else other than that other guy.
  3. Girls are hyper focused on what their other friends are doing, if it is better than them, and how much they are eating. For example my roommate went out to eat with some friends and one of her friends called her a heffer for getting chicken tenders, fries, and mac and cheese for dinner. Um, that's called normal honey. How about you go see a nutritionist about how much protein and carbs you should be consuming in one day.
  4. Girls are always so catty and holding grudges. I love my mother to death but she holds grudges sometimes. (And mom, if you're reading this you know exactly what I am talking about. And I mean it with the best and lightest intentions) I could have said something about going out with someone elses family last year and my mom would still say to this day that I want to be like someone else's family. False. But, I love my mom. In fact, she is more of a dude than I am.
  5. Girls feel the need to wear the skankiest clothes when they go out. It is freaking 5 degrees here at night and girls go out in clothes that should be woren um... never. It's not even considered underwear. Like no thanks, I enjoy the feeling warm and comfortable. Thanks for the skank invite though.

As you can tell, something set me off today. So here's the fact.
Guys are more
  • Chill
  • understanding
  • hungry
  • witty
  • funny
  • vulgar (it takes a certain kind of girl to truly appreciate this)
  • All around more fun.

Sorry ladies, I'm just not that into you.
Enjoying being that "dude" in the group of guys even if you are dating one of them because I just don't enjoy being a bitch: Story of my life.

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