Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome Winter! You're A Little Late...

If you didn't know, it is winter. And up until last night, it didn't really feel like winter up here (or down depending on where you are) in State. Yeah, it was cold and a little breezy but it only rained. Well, last night that changed completely.

Last night-- Thirsty Thursday-- every one went out in their college best. You know like, skanky and all. Anyway. At about 1:30 am, my roommate and I woke up at the same time.

Our window was open (only because the heat in this building is like a freaking sauna) and the rain/snow/wintry mix pounded against our window, into our room due to the heavy winds. It literally sounded like a tornado was hitting us. The wind shook our room. At this point you hear everyone screaming and racing back to their dorms: coming home from their parties, barely wearing much clothes for the winter standard, and caught in this crazy wind attack.

To you, I say HAHA. You deserve it. You have Tequila Tuesday, Whisky Wednesday, and you need Thirsty Thursday too? Isn't that called alcoholism? But whatever, it's your life. Some of us here have classes in the morning.

At about 7 am, my roommate got up to shut our window only to find that it was frozen open. Damn...

The weather today was 22 degrees with a real feel of -2 because of the wind chill. We also had a wind advisory here of winds of 50 mph. Sucks right? Not really. It's just your average day in State.

Moral of the story: Tornado's in the valley are not very likely... ever.
Thanking my parents endlessly for getting me my well needed North Face jacket while I suffer the walks to class in the tundra of Arctic State: Story of my life.

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