Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Measuring... Measuring... All done!

Since I've been home for semester break, I've tried to get on the Wii every day. For fitness and whatnot. So every morning when I wake up (If my parents aren't home that is because the TV is usually occupied) I get on the Wii to play the Wii fit plus and do the body test.

Not forgetting to mention that since 2012 hit, every other commercial is about a new weight loss program. The subliminal messages really messed with my head making weight loss a prime time thought in my head.

Back to my story: For those of you who are not familiar with the Wii Fit body test, it measures your center of balance, gives you you're BMI, your weight, tests you with some mind tricks and what not, then gives you your "Wii Fit Age"

I got on yesterday and it said I had lost 1.8 pounds. Heck yes! Then I get on today, feeling extra fantastic since I played it yesterday and I felt it in my muscles. ( I suggest you play the hula hooping game because it really works your obliques-- I still feel it)

Anyway, I get on this morning and it said I gained 2 pounds! What the hell! How did I manage to not only gain back what I had lost but gain it back and then some! And yeah, I know your weight fulcuates 2 pounds throughout the day but I took the Wii's advice and did it at the same time every morning for a more acurate measure.

Not only that but then it proceeded to add weight onto my Mii character! And no, no it did not distribute the weight correctly through my body because it freaking gave me muffin tops! Bitch...

At this point, I am cursing at the Wii. Who are you to tell me I'm at a healthy weight then give me muffin tops at the same time?!

Right then, I decided to go into a health binge. I will pursue exercising, a healthy diet, and a subscription to Women's Health magazine.
I feel healthy... Sometimes.
I'm in shape... kind of.
I'm happy with my body... depending on the day.

So for this, I thank the Wii Fit, for encouraging me by telling me I'm at a healthy weight yet mocking me and contributing to the amount of self consciousness I feel about my weight and how attractive I am to my boyfriend. (I wasn't always self conscious about that; being cheated on does that to you)
Thank you Wii Fit, for showing me that I will not be a model as long as I have those muffin tops.
Thank you Wii Fit, for making the "Oh!" noise when I step on your board.
And Thank you Wii Fit, for informing me that I gained weight at least 4 times in one minute.

...You Jack Ass.
Conforming to the stereotypical New Year's resolution of being healthy and losing weight because of a stupid video game that doesn't know how much muscle I am made of while not taking into consideration how confident I am in my body as is: Story of my life.

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