Sunday, February 26, 2012


Note: Do not take this entry personally. You are probably not the person I am talking about... unless you are.

For all of you who may know the holiday State Patty's day here at Penn State, you may be thinking we are all a bunch of fools who are destructive while drunk.

That is completely true for the most part.

For those of you who don't know about State Patty's day, it is a holiday here at State that was created 6 years ago in place of the regular Saint Patty's day. Bars would shut down because of all of the drunks. So some brilliant college student thought, "Hey, why not make it a week or two earlier so we can still drink and give our student body an even worse reputation."

I'll admit, I participated in State Patty's day, but I did it the way that any other sane and not tool bag person who attends Penn State would.

There are two main contributors to the problem of destruction and bad reputation here at State:

  1. The outsiders
  2. The tool bags.

Let me explain.

You see here at State, all of the students have known for about a month of all the repercussions that the University would be taking to defer people from partying so hard. For example:
  • The IFC board banned fraternity parties during State Patty's day
  • The CATA bus would not stop on Beaver Ave (where all the apartments are) from 6pm Friday to 6am Sunday
  • They set up walking check points downtown
  • Students living in dorms were only allowed one guest in their room
  • People were being checked into dorms when they arrived
  • Auxiliary police were stationed EVERYWHERE
  • 2x as many bars as last year closed.
Being a student at State your first thought after hearing that was, "F that! I'm not going out. I'm just going to stay in my dorm, lay low and have fun with my close friends I know won't be assholes."

For all the outsiders you hear, "SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!"
Not to mention, most of the outsiders, the ones I know anyway, bring mass amount of drama with them. So, no thank you to that.

Keep in mind there are the few who are 21 years of age who go out saying the same thing because they have nothing to worry about. They're legal. Also, people who have apartments, they're pretty much safe too.

Anyway, but then you always have "those guys" who think that being plastered is the coolest thing in the world. So they'll get wasted, head butt a mirror and break it, tear apart a newspaper rack and throw it across the lobby, and then go break a chair in the work room that had nothing to do with you.

(Yes, this all really happened in my building.)

You know what that tells me? You are the biggest tool bag in the WORLD!
You are the reason that we have all the bans and rules on State Patty's, because you're being an asshole to show off how much of a dick you really are. Thank you for showing everyone that you hate this holiday and wish for it to have even more restrictions next year. Thank you for being another statistic against our school.

All I'm saying is that I had a great time, and broke nothing. My friends had a great time and didn't have any drama. My friends and I had a great time together and didn't get alcohol poisoning, an underage, or any other charge.


We keep in classy.
Staying away from everyone that egged on this entry next year, and also not having anyone stay with me again because I enjoy having fun and my own time: Story of my life.

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