Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wait, You're Not Smarter than a Fifth Grader?

Sometimes, when I walk around campus, I hear the dumbest shit.

One time, I was eating lunch and this chick walked over to the trash can with her friend.

If you've been to Penn State before, you know that they are all about recycling-- and recycling everything possible.  Each trash can has its own label over it to tell you where to put what right? Okay.

Anyway. So this chick walks over to the trash can with her friend. She holds up the obviously Styrofoam container, turns to her friend and says, "Do you think this has foam in it?" Her friend then answered with, "Um, yeah, I think so. But I'm not positive so don't listen to me."

Uh... What?! I'm almost sure that my 2 year old nephew could tell you that container was for the most part made of foam. And you are in college?! At least your sophomore year and Penn State University Main Campus?

How the HELL did you get in here? I busted my butt in high school with honors and AP classes to get into this school (Main the first year of course) and you walk around asking those questions out loud!?

Students are put on academic probation if their GPA is under a 2.00 here and you can't freaking figure out if you take out Styrofoam container has Styrofoam in it!? My Lord!

Do us all a favor here on campus and read a book or something. If out ranking goes down in academic standings because you're inferior, whether you're pretending or not, I will personally kick your ass.
Developing a twitch whenever I hear someone say something that a first grader would even know is wrong on a college campus: Story of my life.

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