Saturday, January 21, 2012

Experiencing What Paterno Stands For: Courage, Support, and Strength

Tonight, it seemed as though the entire world was silent.

At 8:45 pm word broke that Joe Paterno had passed away. (Let it be known that was inaccurate and he is currently still fighting on just as he always has, stay strong Joe and Paterno family)

Hundreds of students flocked to his statue outside of Beaver Stadium. All thinking that a great man had just passed. The bitter cold slapped us all in the face. My roommate, my boyfriend, my future roommate, and myself were part of that group. We first arrived at the statue.

People would make their way to the front, to reach the statue, pay their respects, and leave. In the midst of the crowd and slightly moving forward, we found out that the source we had heard it from was wrong. Jay and Scott Paterno tweeted that their dad was still alive and still fighting strong. Also, that Jay drove by the statue, went home and told his dad about everyone there praying, and said that JoePa was "inspired." Tonight, the True Staters gave exactly what Joe did to the University all 60 or so years:  Unconditional Support and prayer. 
Standing out there, being so cold you want to get sick, cry, and run just to feel your limbs, I can say with all of my heart that there isn't anything else I would have rather have done tonight. I supported my University through it all and will until I too see my end. Joe Paterno has done so much for this University and STILL continues to do so (even after being terminated due to the tragedies and Sandusky Scandal).

I could not be anymore proud of where I am right now and how strong our community is.

For the Glory...
Praying for the Paterno's and sending all my love: Story of my life.

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