Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Truth About My "College Experience"

For starters, I'm not having a shitty time at school. I adore it here. This is just one struggle.

You know how the stereotypical title given to a college student is that they are poor? You know like, "Nah man I can't do that tonight. I'm a poor college student".

Yeah... Well they are exactly right. Whoever started that whole label couldn't be any more right.

No, I'm not poor. My family is well off but everyone still has their struggles. And yeah, I worked throughout high school to save money for college so I still have some left over from my savings. But we still are living in a very scarce time when.

In Econ 102 (with Dave Brown, he's a cool guy) I learned that scarcity is everywhere. Scarcity is something that everyone wants and desires but there isn't enough to supply everyone with the same amount. You can't ration them it. And that could be for any item. But for me (and it seems to be the reoccurring theme for today) it's money.

I have to start filling out scholarships because I would like to not only go on vacation this year but I would also like to be recognized for my achievements. Unfortunately, so would the rest of my fellow students here at State.

You want to know what else I learned in Econ? The total amount of student loans all together has reached $1 trillion. People are having to ask themselves if school is even worth it. I personally believe it is worth every penny I have put into it and that my parents have put into it. Yeah student loans blow but the sense of accomplishment I feel when I make Dean's List is extraordinary.

My boyfriend and I went downtown this morning to look for jobs for him (I am currently working for Nittany Notes). As we go from business to business you could see he progressively got more stressed. He looked almost sickened. On our way back to the dorms, I found $20 on the ground. He then started cursing the heavens (which he didn't mean, I can assure you). He couldn't even believe that HE went looking for a job because he needs money and I found $20.  I mean I was stoked, but I could see he was just so discouraged.

The moral of this entry (which I know, people ---my sister--- enjoy funnier ones but I needed to say this) is that maybe something like the barter system would be better in some cases. I trade you one good for a service and so on. I know it didn't work in the past but wouldn't it be a little easier on the heart stress wise? I hate having to worry if I can actually enjoy my summer or if I'll be constantly working so I can have the opportunity to go to school. I can't even really enjoy a good college sports game anymore unless it's free.

If more people would have known that worrying about money constantly was a part of the "college experience" I bet you they wouldn't be so excited to start their life on their own.
Filling out scholarships, thinking of jobs to apply to after this semester, working on homework, and forgetting your birthday is four days away because of the stress that never leaves your mind: Story of my life.

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