Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun Facts for Week 4 of the Semester

A lot of things occurred to me today. These are the fun facts that followed them.

1.) As if Friday January 28th, I can officially give blood again! Why you may ask? January 28, 2011, I got my tattoo on my foot. In the state of Pennsylvania you can't give blood for a year after you got your tattoo. I can now donate my blood FTK (For The Kids for all you non Penn Staters; it's a THON thing)

2.) As you may know, methane is in our atmosphere. How does it get there you may ask? Well. Here is one way home: Cow burps. Due to the constant cud the cows crew, digest, regurgitate and digest again, their burps contribute to about 16% of the methane in our atmosphere.

3.)  Green peppers are a natural pain killer... who knew!? Too bad I hate green peppers. That's probably why I'm always in pain and a borderline hypochondriac.

4.) If there is a class that is going to talk about the climate of the Earth... don't take it. It's not just climate. It also includes math, a little bit of chem, and physics. Now, I didn't take chem or physics for a reason. So I took earth 002. HAH! Just kidding! They tricked me!

5.) I don't know if you have ever read a news paper or the collegian at all you may not know that sometimes they have little mini articles on the side of the first page. For some reason, those are the articles that people should be most alarmed about like... A skinned dear head placed/found on the porch of a frat house. Or... a man was caught masturbating in the gym locker room-- for the record, he isn't a student. Yeah.. I would love to know if there was some creep touching himself! Thanks for thinking of me and not alarming me though. Always looking out for the students

6.) DID YOU KNOW: If you buy a grande cappuccino every lecture during the semester, you'll spend $150. BUT if you buy a semester pack of Nittany Notes, it's only $40! (Yeah... I went there.)

7.) Giraffes make a similar sound to a sheep. A bleating noise. So Dave Brown of Econ 102 was incorrect today. We had to answer questions and instead of yelling out "A!" or "B!" and so on, we had to Moo for A; Baa for B; Bark for C; and Sound like a dying giraffe for D. Well... that was a trick question sir! Giraffes can't make an unique sound. So what if I wanted to say D but he mistook it for B!? Then I'm wrong..

8.) State College seems to ALWAYS be 10 degrees colder than my hometown. It's always pretty much like exactly 10 degrees. Today. At home it was 33 degrees. Here it was 23 degrees. Lame.

9.) On an average day I find about .06 cents on the streets of State College and University Park. 7 days in a week is .42 cents. 4 weeks in a months is $1.68. 12 months in 1 year is $20.16! So thank you to the careless students of Penn State who drop their change they think they don't need. I am making $20 a year doing nothing due to your carelessness!

10.) Unless that is your skin color, your face should never be so tan that it is mistaken for some nutella you left smudged on your cheeks after you ate some for breakfast. Do you really think that people can't see the color difference from your face to your neck? Please, use bronzer and the tanning salon responsibly. You're making me look gorgeous and I'm not used to this good life.

11.) When making a hot item in the microwave, as soon as you take it out, don't put a plastic spoon in there. It ends up like this.

Just thought I'd share.
Learning the most important lessons just by people watching on my way to class: Story of my life.

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