Monday, December 12, 2011

Words from the Wise.

With it officially being finals week I have derived a list of some tips while studying for finals.
Here we go.

1. Study and study hard
2. but don't study until you are so stir crazy, you just sit outside alone (yup, that 10 minutes in the cold was worth it)
3.Try and have some fun to ease some stress
4. but don't get plastered the night before your 8 am final
5. Don't forget to eat because you're studying
6. but do not, let me repeat, DO NOT eat Sbarro for dinner before your final because you are scared to use anymore meal points-- you are guaranteed to be sick.
7. Laugh with a hint of panic to your friends while studying
8. Don't have a panic attack and scare your friends while studying (once again, personal experience)
9. Go to the exam room early
10. but don't sit in the wrong room until its final time
11. Don't write anything on your hand: especially in a different language before a foreign language test
12. Take your time and go over your work
13. Don't over think yourself ultimately leading to failure; It's called the self fulfilling prophecy

Lucky for you guys, I'm here to help you out! Sadly, no one was there to inform me of all of this stuff (especially about the Sbarro)

For all of you students, have a happy finals week!

and please, "study" responsibly.

SO fried from studying for your first week of finals you can't think of anything to blog about: Story of my life.

P.s. If anyone has any preference for what you want me to write about, just comment and I'll be sure to answer :)

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