Sunday, December 18, 2011

Knock out!

I babysat my next door neighbors last night and we decided to play the Wii for fun until their parents got home. So, I thought, "Why not play boxing?"

I did... and now I am in one of the worst pains of my life. (It's totally a great work out if you want to get rid of that arm flab though)

I woke up this morning at 7:30 to go to church with my mom.

For those of you who know me, I am not very open to large amounts of change. And for those of you who are familiar with the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese have decided to make the prayers and readings more of an "accurate translation".

Already upset with that, I made the choice to follow the Catholic belief I grew up with. The normal one. Take that you Vatican.

Anyway, After church I came home and was kidnapped!

... by my sister.

For starters, she owes me $10 for buying her peanut butter. She said she'd take me to Subway to get lunch and she'd pay so she'd only owe me $5.

Isn't that still my money? Jerk.

BUT! After that I was forced back to her house to bake for yet another day. No one cared I was gone!!

Oh, and by the way, did you know people can have psychic parties? Weird right? My mom used to host them or something. Freaks.

Again, anyway, I come home to my house, make more cookies and then eat dinner. My boyfriend comes over we look at my sister's wedding pictures and then my sister begins to give me a shoulder massage.

Don't you EVER accept a massage from your sister after playing the Wii as hard as I did. It KILLS!

That was really the moral of the story. Please take it to heart.
Taking charitable donations for a professional back massage: Story of my life.

1 comment:

  1. haha great advice! Wii sports games can be very very dangerous. I've seen sprained ankles, broken tv's, and black eyes from it! Take care.
