Friday, December 23, 2011

On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me...

For all of you concerned about my health and well being-- I am doing so much better and feeling fantastic! So thank you for caring. It means a lot to me :) Leggo...

Today my boyfriend and I exchanged gifts.

I know what you're thinking, "Kelsey! What the bleep are you doing?! Christmas eve isn't until tomorrow let alone Christmas on Sunday! Why would you ruin Christmas like that!?"

First off, calm down porfavor.
Second, originally we weren't supposed to see each other Christmas eve or Christmas day (until the night that is, Christmas day is Evan's birthday). Not to mention I am a super paranoid person and I was worried that he was going to get the same thing from someone else. But to be fair, that isn't quite so rare.

Last year, my brother and I bought my dad this super awesome book. It was Penn State (since my family bleeds blue and white) and it was like an archive of all Penn State's history and whatnot. Like letters and newspapers and all that fun stuff. We were SO ecstatic to give this to my dad and we could not wait to give it to him. So we are like shaking in our boots to have our turn to give it to my dad. My sister gave his her gift first. He opened it and it was the SAME BOOK. Can you believe that!? It was the same freaking book. My dad's face lit up and he was like, "Oh my gosh how awesome this is so great".
Our spirits were crushed. It was our turn, we handed it over sadly, and said, "just take it."
He opened it and everyone started to laugh. My dad was a good sport though. He proceeded in saying, "oh guys! Now it's so awesome because now I have two books!"

Yeah... it blew.

If you have a super amazing gift to give someone and you are applauding yourself with the buy, do yourself a favor and be the first one to give them a present. Yeah, it may seem selfish BUT, you win.

You win.
Laughing and reminiscing over past holidays waiting on the current holiday to begin while putting what I learned to the now: Story of my life.

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