Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pray for me!

Dear readers,                                                                                                                                                      I am currently most likely dying. Yesterday I felt like I was literally dying. My tonsils swelled so much that when i slept last night, I had to wake up at 4:30am because my Advil had worn off and my tonsils were touching every time I laid down.  I would show you a picture of these disgusting things because most people dont believe me. But... they are so nasty and my phone won't let me upload it right now. Anyway, super sorry for the lack of posts but at the moment, I feel like my limbs are being ripped apart. Supposedly. travelling from school and back and living with people who are sick, also makes you sick. Huh, who would have known. Also, running amd walking about 7 miles without any previous hardcore work out runs you down greatly. And! if you are sickly and dying, DO NOT go to work! You are guaranteed to die and be miserable. So as I try and sweat this strep throat out of my system while accompanying it with penicillin (which by the way I am deathly afraid to take without someone watching because I'll choke on it undoubtedly since its borderline a horse pill compared to the size of my tonsils),However, I do promise there will be a really great one as soon as I am well and all better! :)                                                                                  
Thank you for understanding.                                                                                                                   Sincerely, Kelsey.

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