Thursday, December 22, 2011

AYO (Recap Parte dos)

I know it's getting late, but I promised I'd update  a little more. And aren't you guys the luckiest ever! I figured out how to upload this particular picture!

Any who, back to the recap

Wednesday December 21, 2011

I went to the doctors just so they could tell me that I did indeed... have 3 weeks to live. Oh calm down, it was only strep.

I laid on the couch all day, cried, moped, hopped up on penicillin and Advil blah blah blah. Then, last night a miracle happened!!  I SLEPT THE ENTIRE NIGHT! Without even dying!

Now, I know what you are thinking, "Wow this chick is a hardcore hypochondriac" and yes, that is partly true however, I haven't actually slept since Monday.

SURPRISE! Brace yourself... Here It COMES!


And again I know you must have so many questions:
- Where did her uvula go?
-Why are her teeth so perfect?
-How long is her tongue if it's not fully in the picture?
- How the hell do you let that happen!?
-Can I show my friends?
-Is that a small brain?

These are all very good questions. (I'm so proud of you guys for coming up with them!) Here are the answers in sequential order:
-My tonsils ate it
-I was born that way
-I can touch my chin and nose with my tongue-- not at the same time
- I did not allow this to happen, it attacked me. And my tonsils are normally the size of someones sick tonsils
-Yes, show all of your friends
-No, it is not a small brain, but if it makes me extra smart, then yes, yes it is.

Rest assure however that they are going back to normal size... for me. And yes, they are being removed after spring semester.

So, sweet dreams and nighty night. I. Am. Back. Baby!
Being a little proud of my larger than life tonsils even though they hurt like a ...: Story of my life.

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