Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What the...

Here is just a couple of strange things that happened yesterday and today.

1.) We saw a crying squirrel. Did you know squirrels can even cry? Neither did we! We had just sold our text books, took the money we made to get food at McDonald's since we are officially poor, walked up the stairs (painfully due to the McDonald's) and we heard this screeching noise. My boyfriend stopped so me and my roommate turned around. And there, sitting in the tree alone, was a crying squirrel... WHAT!?  Evan said it was sad, Tracy said it was stuck in the tree, and I thought it was about to pounce on Evan's face for getting closer to the tree. Turns out... it was a defense call because it felt threatened. Who knew.

2.) I got out of the shower, scratched my forehead because it was itchy, of course, and scales fell. So... I guess I'm a fish now. If anyone would like to donate to the "fix my scaly face" foundation with some moisturizer, that would be greatly appreciated.

3.) I drank some hot chocolate last night, and I found two things in it: Diamonds and turds.

The Turds in my hot chocolate

4.) Today, the five of us walked back to the dorms after lunch: Evan, Tracy, Garrett, Kaitlin, and myself. We were all talking, loudly at that, and Kaitlin was in the background saying, "That guy just stole a bike!" No one listened to her. Then! She yelled louder! And I was like um... No he didn't. And Kaitlin said, "There is no bike seat! It's back on the bike rack! He stole that bike!!" Yeah... we totally succumbed to the Bystander Effect

If you have any odd stories, leave them for my entertainment :)
The middle of finals week and shit's getting weird at PSU: Story of my life.

P.s. Guess who got an 86% on her Astro final? THIS CHICK

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