Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Keep it Classy, My Friends.

Hello there my Darlings,
How was your holidays? Mine were mighty delightful. So delightful that I couldn't blog for about 3 days. SO here is a new one for you silly kids.

Editor's Note: If you are prim and proper, please do not be offended by the content. It is really what happens and super vulgar.

Yesterday morning, at let's say 6:30 am, I was watching MTV music videos. One of the commercials they played was about funding for research and the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other STD's. It caught me off guard, however, because they got every one's attention by saying things most people would use in a sexual setting. Examples you ask?

-I'll show you mine if you show me yours
- Males can do that too
- I know how to move like that.

I understand it's clever because sex is how you get it all but I was like... What?

Anyway, I went into work with my sister again that day (for those of you who have read before). When I got in there I heard stories all over the place. That guy slept with her. She's sleeping with a married man with a kid. The girl upstairs is married and sleeping around.

Um... sweet deal? NOT.

Why are people so grimy? If you know someone is married with a child, why would you still pursue sleeping with them consistently? If you have a husband and are cheating on him since BEFORE you were even married, why the bleep did you get married to begin with? Ya dirty.

The psychic told my mom (for those of you who have read previous entries) that one of her children was an old soul. Yeah... That's me. If I could, I would want to live in the roaring twenties where there were flappers, speakeasies, and people "going steady" and getting pinned. So naturally, I am uncomfortable being around people who could possibly bleed on me and give me an STD. -- Unlikely or not, shit happens and you know it.

Also! Before I left school to come home for break I was informed about what an Eskimo buddy was. Brace yourself:
                    When two dudes sleep with the same girl. Whether at the same time or not, they still slept with the same girl at least once. So they are Eskimo buddies.

Yea... No thank you on that one. I'll stick to my proper self. Who wants a relationship plagued with infidelity? Not I. Been there done that.

I am more than happy with my fantastic and exciting relationship. I don't ever need to find anyone else. My man is more than enough.

So, Keep it classy my friends.
Living my life as if I were in the roaring twenties and I am going steady with my amazing and handsome boyfriend without ever the need to even THINK about cheating while keeping it classy all at once: Story of my life.

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