Friday, December 16, 2011

Oprah's Favorite Things!

Okay so I'm no Oprah... yet. Just kidding; I believe she is the root of all evil. But I do have some suggestions that I found within my day. Enjoy!

My holiday vacations and festivities officially began today at 8:56 am when I finished my Psychology 100 final.

First off, try to avoid ANY 8 am anything at anytime, anywhere. They prove to be absolutely torturous.

But, that's not the point to this entry. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what this entry is about. Nothing really happened today other than I woke up before the sun for the first time all semester. Which by the way, the sun doesn't wake up until about 7:34 am at State College in case you were wondering.

So since there is nothing that happened to me today really, I'll tell you my day like we're best friends okay? Cool.

During my final, some chick got taken out for cheating. Shame on you sweetheart; aren't you familiar with Penn State's Academic Integrity?

So I leave my final, make my way back to the room, pack my stuff, watch a little Boy Meets World (I suggest it; It's on every morning around 9ish on MTV2) My dad arrived on campus around 11 am and we were on the road home. On the way back I got Startbucks (Once again, I suggested the Sweetened Passion Tea Lemonade). We drove a little more, finally got off the turnpike and went to Arby's in Morgantown.

Funny thing that happened at Arby's:

First-- I made a new friend.

His name is Fredrick and he's an angry fellow.
Probably because I was in the process of finishing his face.

Second-- I don't know if you have ever been to Arby's and seen the bell you can ring if you had a "great experience". So, I'm paying for an apple turnover (Which I suggest instead of the chocolate one) and some lady rings the bell. The manager who is taking my order shakes his head in pain and says, "Wow that was loud." I asked how many times a day does that happen? He said all day but its usually just the kids who like to play with it. Little does he know about 1 minute and 32 seconds earlier Evan ran up to me and said with a smile bigger than the Cheshire cat's,"Did you have a great experience?!"
"What?" I replied.
"Did you have a great time? Good? Alright? Did you enjoy your food even just a little bit? Because you HAVE to ring the bell!"

Yup.. That's my boy, the child.

Anyway, I finally got home, I went to Macy's with my mom, to find out that I am a size larger in jeans ( I don't suggest eating at buffet's a ton) I came home, wrapped presents, blogged, and am hopefully going to go out with my sister tonight. But she is currently at Urgent Care with my nephew.

Feel better Hunter!! And welcome to the holiday's all you college students-- Semester one= DONE.
Stalking the school email even though school is over and you shouldn't care because you are crazy anal and slightly psychotic when it comes to school: Story of my life.

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