Monday, December 19, 2011

And How Does that Make You Feel?

I have come to the conclusion that nothing fun and/or funny happens while I am at home. However, I am going to try my best. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Last night I had two of the weirdest dreams ever.

1.) I don't know where I was but there was a narrow sidewalk made of very unstable, wooden boards. It was all over like, the ocean or something. I don't know who I was walking with but it was some chick and a baby. So for the sake of putting a name to the faces, lets say it was my sister and my nephew. Anyway, someone pushed me into this particular large, clear body of water! Who the heck does that!? Oh, by the way, I'm severely, deathly, borderline phobia, afraid of drowning. So, I'm falling to the bottom of this ocean like thing and  there are freaking two sharks! All I was thinking (while dreaming) was, "Oh my God I am going to die. Oh my God, they are going to eat me." To protect myself -- instead of swimming away of course, I guess I'm not that bright in my dreams-- I decided to cover my face with my arms. As the shark came over to undoubtedly eat me, it's mouth wasn't large enough to eat me! (Hooray!) Instead, it pushed me around in circles-- redundant right? Then, I woke up.

2.) So, sitting in a lecture hall at the Forum (for those of you who know Penn State) this girl came over to sit next me. Hatred boiling up inside of me (I don't know why), I got up and started to beat the crap out of her. Next thing I know, we are both in the bathroom, me still beating her up. She started to apologize for hooking up with my ex boyfriend then harassing me about it. We became friends... I guess? Then she told me her name was Danielle and not Amanda (My ex cheated on me 2 times with 2 different girls named Amanda, sleezy right? I officially hate that name.) I came to the conclusion that since she was confessing he had to have cheated more than what he admitted to. When I woke up the only thing that ran through my mind was, "Why the bleep am I still dreaming over his sorry ass?" So I stopped and now I'm happy.

Later that morning I went for a 7 mile walk/run with my boyfriend who is like a trillion times better-- this is according to all my friends, family, and myself.  Evan wins.
Feeling like Freud with some dream analysis: Story of my life.

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