Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oh, Pattee.

Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in 1584 for suggesting that there might be other planets outside our solar system.

That is the only thing that I can remember from my studying today so far...

With finals starting tomorrow, I decided to make my way to the library.  Any of you who have been to Penn State University and have seen the Pattee/Paterno Library know exactly what I am talking about when I characterize it as overwhelming.

My boyfriend and I, elated with excitement, skipped our way to the library for an eventful day of fun and studying!

... Not so much...

We arrived at the library at 2:20pm. Then we took our chances looking for a place to sit within the stacks, the study areas, even just the floor (keeping in mind my roommate warned us how packed it would be prior to our departure). We went through the stacks, up many flights of stairs, from Pattee to Paterno and back again.

Stair Case of Paterno

Anyway, we searched for just two seats for about 20 minutes. Until, we see 3 guys leaving the floor and raced to the door as it closed. Evan had just found a penny heads up so he was convinced we'd find a spot.

And lo and behold-- We did!

In the worst spot possible. No wonder no one occupied this section, it was directly being harassed by the sun.  So I am currently, baking in a sauna called the Life Sciences student lounge attempting to study.

For the Glory.
Getting ready to throw down just for a better seat... to study: Story of my life.

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