Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thank God Santa is on a Fire Truck, the House is on Fire!

Today, while sitting at a traffic light, some car behind us honked as soon as the light turned green. My mom made a good point instantaneously after this happened: Why is our society always in such a rush?

Reflecting on that question I realized that I remained boggled. Why would someone want to waste away all of the precious memories and experiences just because they don't have enough "time"?

I realized that I have also been rushing all of my life. Including today when I was having some quality bonding with my sister while making Christmas cookies for her work boys.

Since she lives with her in-laws, she has to bake and cook when they aren't in the house otherwise it would be way to hectic.

We had to make dozens and dozens of cookies. From Snicker's Surprise to chocolate chip to the peanut butter ones with the Hershey kisses in them.

Well, since we had to rush, we had to stuff the oven resulting in this:

Very burnt bottoms of chocolate chip cookies.

So in reality, rushing because there isn't enough time in fact makes everything slower right? We had to make a new batch. We wasted time that we tried to save. 

So... to all of you, SLOW DOWN! It's useless.
Constantly learning at the dispense of people's pure ignorance and rudeness: Story of my life.

                                            Jealous of THESE delish things? Thought so.

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