Saturday, December 31, 2011

Insert cliche about the New Year

Yesterday I became a real woman in this society.

And no, I don't mean it in the gross sexual way. Get your minds out of the gutter.

Yesterday, for the first time, I did grown up things-- By myself! I got my hair cut and paid for it myself. I went alone and all! Then I drove straight to the dentist office alone! Without my parents and all. Aren't you so proud? I swear every bird and squirrel I saw was waving and congratulating me on my most recent accomplishment. It is always a great feeling when you know nature is appreciating and celebrating the little things in life with you when you know you're the only human who is.

Or maybe I'm a little out there but whatever.

So, I got my hair cut. And it is short. Like... above my chin. I think I look good. I mean damn, I am smokin' hott.

Yes, I am not only crazy, but cocky as well. I know I rock.

Anyway... I decided to get it all cut off so I could bring in the new year with a bang. A completely new year. Everything. Even down to my hair style. Because this year will be different. There will be a lack of:

-Stupid girl drama                      
-Psycho girl drama
-Slut drama
-Ex Boyfriend drama
- High school drama

AS you can see, the majority of it is petty drama. And since I am better than all of the low live's that have caused all that drama for me ( and that is not just my cocky side talking, it is completely true. I am in college now , as well as all there others and they still want high school drama. Like... why?) I am going to be the bigger person and leave their sorry ass's behind.

Little did you guys know, this is actually an ad for new friends!

I'm like a penny clipper... but way cooler. Maybe not cheaper but definitely cooler.

Today I am going to Philly with my boyfriend and his family for the day then coming back to my house to spend New Years Eve with my family and friends.

Hopefully if not today, you'll get another post tomorrow on my new years

Until then...
Wishing all my readers of all different personalities the best New Year's ever while making the change in mine last permanently: Story of my life.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nutshell, meet my day.

My day had a little bit of everything today.
Let's begin shall we?

For starters, I went to the mall with my family. It was just your average everyday family trip to the tiny mall. Yes, the tiny one because my father doesn't like the chaos of the King Of Prussia mall.

Anyway, while we were there... there was this guy. He was a US marine, in uniform and we see him pass us. I turn to my mother and say, "Mom, I don't like marines" And for those of you who are about to attack me, it is solely because my sleazy ex boyfriend who cheated on me 3 times while I wait for him for a year while he was in training, was a marine. So... Hop. Off.

Anyway, we see him walk up to my brother and instantly they start talking! WTF!? SO... turns out this kid knows me! I mean he didn't know he was trying to recruit my brother but he knows me from my boyfriend prior to the dick-- the hippie. I was shocked completely. He told me he know who I was and I was like... Nah... you don't. But, he did. And not even from the marine. Go figure.

I felt like a jerk for not recognizing him. I mean jeez... he remembered my full name! Whatever.

So, my boyfriend came over and we decided to have a night filled with spontaneity.

Now stop right there. I know what you're thinking. "Wow, this chick has a lot of boyfriends." Take that back! I have only had 2 serious boyfriends before this current one. I dated the first one for 1 year and the second for 2.5 and now this one for almost a year and hopefully more! Stop insulting please. Lets continue.

We went to the movies and saw Young Adult. It was kind of funny but more awkward than anything. Like this chick was a psychotic alcoholic! We thought she was going to kill the baby! And she slept with ratatouille.  

After the movie we went to Target to buy a cutting board and knife.

BACK UP! Before the movie we went to a sweet ice cream place and got a delicious candied apple. Yay to fat America.

We then drove to the Wegman's parking lot and decided to break that bad boy open.
Amazing right!? We suggest you get anything that is classified as Strudel.

I'm really impressed with my picture...
Living my life with excitement with my boyfriend and would not change anything for the world even if it is make shift and thrifty: Story of my life.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Keep it Classy, My Friends.

Hello there my Darlings,
How was your holidays? Mine were mighty delightful. So delightful that I couldn't blog for about 3 days. SO here is a new one for you silly kids.

Editor's Note: If you are prim and proper, please do not be offended by the content. It is really what happens and super vulgar.

Yesterday morning, at let's say 6:30 am, I was watching MTV music videos. One of the commercials they played was about funding for research and the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other STD's. It caught me off guard, however, because they got every one's attention by saying things most people would use in a sexual setting. Examples you ask?

-I'll show you mine if you show me yours
- Males can do that too
- I know how to move like that.

I understand it's clever because sex is how you get it all but I was like... What?

Anyway, I went into work with my sister again that day (for those of you who have read before). When I got in there I heard stories all over the place. That guy slept with her. She's sleeping with a married man with a kid. The girl upstairs is married and sleeping around.

Um... sweet deal? NOT.

Why are people so grimy? If you know someone is married with a child, why would you still pursue sleeping with them consistently? If you have a husband and are cheating on him since BEFORE you were even married, why the bleep did you get married to begin with? Ya dirty.

The psychic told my mom (for those of you who have read previous entries) that one of her children was an old soul. Yeah... That's me. If I could, I would want to live in the roaring twenties where there were flappers, speakeasies, and people "going steady" and getting pinned. So naturally, I am uncomfortable being around people who could possibly bleed on me and give me an STD. -- Unlikely or not, shit happens and you know it.

Also! Before I left school to come home for break I was informed about what an Eskimo buddy was. Brace yourself:
                    When two dudes sleep with the same girl. Whether at the same time or not, they still slept with the same girl at least once. So they are Eskimo buddies.

Yea... No thank you on that one. I'll stick to my proper self. Who wants a relationship plagued with infidelity? Not I. Been there done that.

I am more than happy with my fantastic and exciting relationship. I don't ever need to find anyone else. My man is more than enough.

So, Keep it classy my friends.
Living my life as if I were in the roaring twenties and I am going steady with my amazing and handsome boyfriend without ever the need to even THINK about cheating while keeping it classy all at once: Story of my life.

Friday, December 23, 2011

On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me...

For all of you concerned about my health and well being-- I am doing so much better and feeling fantastic! So thank you for caring. It means a lot to me :) Leggo...

Today my boyfriend and I exchanged gifts.

I know what you're thinking, "Kelsey! What the bleep are you doing?! Christmas eve isn't until tomorrow let alone Christmas on Sunday! Why would you ruin Christmas like that!?"

First off, calm down porfavor.
Second, originally we weren't supposed to see each other Christmas eve or Christmas day (until the night that is, Christmas day is Evan's birthday). Not to mention I am a super paranoid person and I was worried that he was going to get the same thing from someone else. But to be fair, that isn't quite so rare.

Last year, my brother and I bought my dad this super awesome book. It was Penn State (since my family bleeds blue and white) and it was like an archive of all Penn State's history and whatnot. Like letters and newspapers and all that fun stuff. We were SO ecstatic to give this to my dad and we could not wait to give it to him. So we are like shaking in our boots to have our turn to give it to my dad. My sister gave his her gift first. He opened it and it was the SAME BOOK. Can you believe that!? It was the same freaking book. My dad's face lit up and he was like, "Oh my gosh how awesome this is so great".
Our spirits were crushed. It was our turn, we handed it over sadly, and said, "just take it."
He opened it and everyone started to laugh. My dad was a good sport though. He proceeded in saying, "oh guys! Now it's so awesome because now I have two books!"

Yeah... it blew.

If you have a super amazing gift to give someone and you are applauding yourself with the buy, do yourself a favor and be the first one to give them a present. Yeah, it may seem selfish BUT, you win.

You win.
Laughing and reminiscing over past holidays waiting on the current holiday to begin while putting what I learned to the now: Story of my life.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

AYO (Recap Parte dos)

I know it's getting late, but I promised I'd update  a little more. And aren't you guys the luckiest ever! I figured out how to upload this particular picture!

Any who, back to the recap

Wednesday December 21, 2011

I went to the doctors just so they could tell me that I did indeed... have 3 weeks to live. Oh calm down, it was only strep.

I laid on the couch all day, cried, moped, hopped up on penicillin and Advil blah blah blah. Then, last night a miracle happened!!  I SLEPT THE ENTIRE NIGHT! Without even dying!

Now, I know what you are thinking, "Wow this chick is a hardcore hypochondriac" and yes, that is partly true however, I haven't actually slept since Monday.

SURPRISE! Brace yourself... Here It COMES!


And again I know you must have so many questions:
- Where did her uvula go?
-Why are her teeth so perfect?
-How long is her tongue if it's not fully in the picture?
- How the hell do you let that happen!?
-Can I show my friends?
-Is that a small brain?

These are all very good questions. (I'm so proud of you guys for coming up with them!) Here are the answers in sequential order:
-My tonsils ate it
-I was born that way
-I can touch my chin and nose with my tongue-- not at the same time
- I did not allow this to happen, it attacked me. And my tonsils are normally the size of someones sick tonsils
-Yes, show all of your friends
-No, it is not a small brain, but if it makes me extra smart, then yes, yes it is.

Rest assure however that they are going back to normal size... for me. And yes, they are being removed after spring semester.

So, sweet dreams and nighty night. I. Am. Back. Baby!
Being a little proud of my larger than life tonsils even though they hurt like a ...: Story of my life.

Okay, Lets Recap.

Hello There Sunshines!

After being on my Penicillin for about 24 hours, I am feeling considerably better. Since I have missed a day or so due to the strep, there will most likely be another posting or two today. Lets see, where do I even start? Here we go!

Tuesday December 20, 2011

I told my sister I was going to go into work with her to make some extra cash-- lets face it, college is not cheap and will not be for a long time (Thanks Govenor!) . I woke up that morning, at 6 am on the dot and started to get ready when I realized that I was absolutely and sadly sick once more.

 I am the kind of person that when I am sick, I still do to class, I still go out, I still go to work and that is because I hate to miss anything. In high school my mom had to borderline beg me not to go to school because I was sick; I refused, I didn't want to miss any notes or whatever. You know how it is right? Hard life I have. (It is hard that I have abnormally large tonsils though. I have to get them out this summer)

 Anyway I woke up and knew that I was too sick to go in, called my sister, and "shit hit the fan". She wasn't having any of it because I would be missing my "first day" for a job I don't even actually work at, just under the table-- which is great don't get my wrong but it wasn't like I could be fired. She continued in saying that it would make her look bad... Don't worry, I don't see it either but whatever. So I went in to make her happy (bad choice) and prepared myself for what was sure to be the longest day ever. I went through the day, blah blah blah, did all of the "bitch work", blah blah blah, and became very close to passing out. Needless to say, I shouldn't have been there.

For all of you looking for a job, bitch work in a cubical is no where you want to be on any normal day but if you are sick, DO NOT GO IN.

 The day goes by, I had to leave early due to obvious sickness, and at the end of the night decided I didn't want to go back. Guess who wasn't having any of that? (pst.. it's my sister)

We got in a huge fight. My fever is peaked at 103.3 at this point, I sound like someone shoved a potato in my throat and now I'm bawling my eyes out.

(For the record though, when my emotions and tear ducts met each other sometime during my earlier years of development, they got a little too attached and have been best friends since.)

Anyway, I felt like it didn't matter how I felt or thought about anything. I went to work that day to apease her, I gave up sleeping in my first weekend home for break to make cookies with her because sleeping in past 8 am is a waste (Again, I don't see it either, just go with it), I gave up plans on a Friday to grocery shopping with her for the cookie supplies, when the drama in the wedding hit its boiling point-- I was there for her, when she was pregnant and on bed rest all summer I was there in the dark family room with her to keep her company. And it's all because I really love my sister. I would literally do anything she asked. This was just something I wanted to do for myself.

Even still now I don't want to go back to work with her but guess where I'll be for 2 days, 8 hours a day, Monday and Tuesday? DING DING DING-- at work with my sister.

Damn my inability to be a bitch and do things for myself. I swear it's a curse. If any of you are into voodoo and possibly have cure... it is greatly needed over here in PA.
Never getting a break and fighting with one of your best friends 2 days away from Christmas all while not knowing you are about to be diagnosed with the worst strep throat you've ever had: Story of my life.

As I said before, there will be another blog or two coming today for all that you kids have missed out on. Keep in touch and tell your friends 'cause this chick is officially international baby! Oh, and does anyone else see what a hott mess yesterdays apology letter was?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pray for me!

Dear readers,                                                                                                                                                      I am currently most likely dying. Yesterday I felt like I was literally dying. My tonsils swelled so much that when i slept last night, I had to wake up at 4:30am because my Advil had worn off and my tonsils were touching every time I laid down.  I would show you a picture of these disgusting things because most people dont believe me. But... they are so nasty and my phone won't let me upload it right now. Anyway, super sorry for the lack of posts but at the moment, I feel like my limbs are being ripped apart. Supposedly. travelling from school and back and living with people who are sick, also makes you sick. Huh, who would have known. Also, running amd walking about 7 miles without any previous hardcore work out runs you down greatly. And! if you are sickly and dying, DO NOT go to work! You are guaranteed to die and be miserable. So as I try and sweat this strep throat out of my system while accompanying it with penicillin (which by the way I am deathly afraid to take without someone watching because I'll choke on it undoubtedly since its borderline a horse pill compared to the size of my tonsils),However, I do promise there will be a really great one as soon as I am well and all better! :)                                                                                  
Thank you for understanding.                                                                                                                   Sincerely, Kelsey.

Monday, December 19, 2011

And How Does that Make You Feel?

I have come to the conclusion that nothing fun and/or funny happens while I am at home. However, I am going to try my best. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Last night I had two of the weirdest dreams ever.

1.) I don't know where I was but there was a narrow sidewalk made of very unstable, wooden boards. It was all over like, the ocean or something. I don't know who I was walking with but it was some chick and a baby. So for the sake of putting a name to the faces, lets say it was my sister and my nephew. Anyway, someone pushed me into this particular large, clear body of water! Who the heck does that!? Oh, by the way, I'm severely, deathly, borderline phobia, afraid of drowning. So, I'm falling to the bottom of this ocean like thing and  there are freaking two sharks! All I was thinking (while dreaming) was, "Oh my God I am going to die. Oh my God, they are going to eat me." To protect myself -- instead of swimming away of course, I guess I'm not that bright in my dreams-- I decided to cover my face with my arms. As the shark came over to undoubtedly eat me, it's mouth wasn't large enough to eat me! (Hooray!) Instead, it pushed me around in circles-- redundant right? Then, I woke up.

2.) So, sitting in a lecture hall at the Forum (for those of you who know Penn State) this girl came over to sit next me. Hatred boiling up inside of me (I don't know why), I got up and started to beat the crap out of her. Next thing I know, we are both in the bathroom, me still beating her up. She started to apologize for hooking up with my ex boyfriend then harassing me about it. We became friends... I guess? Then she told me her name was Danielle and not Amanda (My ex cheated on me 2 times with 2 different girls named Amanda, sleezy right? I officially hate that name.) I came to the conclusion that since she was confessing he had to have cheated more than what he admitted to. When I woke up the only thing that ran through my mind was, "Why the bleep am I still dreaming over his sorry ass?" So I stopped and now I'm happy.

Later that morning I went for a 7 mile walk/run with my boyfriend who is like a trillion times better-- this is according to all my friends, family, and myself.  Evan wins.
Feeling like Freud with some dream analysis: Story of my life.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Knock out!

I babysat my next door neighbors last night and we decided to play the Wii for fun until their parents got home. So, I thought, "Why not play boxing?"

I did... and now I am in one of the worst pains of my life. (It's totally a great work out if you want to get rid of that arm flab though)

I woke up this morning at 7:30 to go to church with my mom.

For those of you who know me, I am not very open to large amounts of change. And for those of you who are familiar with the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese have decided to make the prayers and readings more of an "accurate translation".

Already upset with that, I made the choice to follow the Catholic belief I grew up with. The normal one. Take that you Vatican.

Anyway, After church I came home and was kidnapped!

... by my sister.

For starters, she owes me $10 for buying her peanut butter. She said she'd take me to Subway to get lunch and she'd pay so she'd only owe me $5.

Isn't that still my money? Jerk.

BUT! After that I was forced back to her house to bake for yet another day. No one cared I was gone!!

Oh, and by the way, did you know people can have psychic parties? Weird right? My mom used to host them or something. Freaks.

Again, anyway, I come home to my house, make more cookies and then eat dinner. My boyfriend comes over we look at my sister's wedding pictures and then my sister begins to give me a shoulder massage.

Don't you EVER accept a massage from your sister after playing the Wii as hard as I did. It KILLS!

That was really the moral of the story. Please take it to heart.
Taking charitable donations for a professional back massage: Story of my life.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thank God Santa is on a Fire Truck, the House is on Fire!

Today, while sitting at a traffic light, some car behind us honked as soon as the light turned green. My mom made a good point instantaneously after this happened: Why is our society always in such a rush?

Reflecting on that question I realized that I remained boggled. Why would someone want to waste away all of the precious memories and experiences just because they don't have enough "time"?

I realized that I have also been rushing all of my life. Including today when I was having some quality bonding with my sister while making Christmas cookies for her work boys.

Since she lives with her in-laws, she has to bake and cook when they aren't in the house otherwise it would be way to hectic.

We had to make dozens and dozens of cookies. From Snicker's Surprise to chocolate chip to the peanut butter ones with the Hershey kisses in them.

Well, since we had to rush, we had to stuff the oven resulting in this:

Very burnt bottoms of chocolate chip cookies.

So in reality, rushing because there isn't enough time in fact makes everything slower right? We had to make a new batch. We wasted time that we tried to save. 

So... to all of you, SLOW DOWN! It's useless.
Constantly learning at the dispense of people's pure ignorance and rudeness: Story of my life.

                                            Jealous of THESE delish things? Thought so.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Oprah's Favorite Things!

Okay so I'm no Oprah... yet. Just kidding; I believe she is the root of all evil. But I do have some suggestions that I found within my day. Enjoy!

My holiday vacations and festivities officially began today at 8:56 am when I finished my Psychology 100 final.

First off, try to avoid ANY 8 am anything at anytime, anywhere. They prove to be absolutely torturous.

But, that's not the point to this entry. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what this entry is about. Nothing really happened today other than I woke up before the sun for the first time all semester. Which by the way, the sun doesn't wake up until about 7:34 am at State College in case you were wondering.

So since there is nothing that happened to me today really, I'll tell you my day like we're best friends okay? Cool.

During my final, some chick got taken out for cheating. Shame on you sweetheart; aren't you familiar with Penn State's Academic Integrity?

So I leave my final, make my way back to the room, pack my stuff, watch a little Boy Meets World (I suggest it; It's on every morning around 9ish on MTV2) My dad arrived on campus around 11 am and we were on the road home. On the way back I got Startbucks (Once again, I suggested the Sweetened Passion Tea Lemonade). We drove a little more, finally got off the turnpike and went to Arby's in Morgantown.

Funny thing that happened at Arby's:

First-- I made a new friend.

His name is Fredrick and he's an angry fellow.
Probably because I was in the process of finishing his face.

Second-- I don't know if you have ever been to Arby's and seen the bell you can ring if you had a "great experience". So, I'm paying for an apple turnover (Which I suggest instead of the chocolate one) and some lady rings the bell. The manager who is taking my order shakes his head in pain and says, "Wow that was loud." I asked how many times a day does that happen? He said all day but its usually just the kids who like to play with it. Little does he know about 1 minute and 32 seconds earlier Evan ran up to me and said with a smile bigger than the Cheshire cat's,"Did you have a great experience?!"
"What?" I replied.
"Did you have a great time? Good? Alright? Did you enjoy your food even just a little bit? Because you HAVE to ring the bell!"

Yup.. That's my boy, the child.

Anyway, I finally got home, I went to Macy's with my mom, to find out that I am a size larger in jeans ( I don't suggest eating at buffet's a ton) I came home, wrapped presents, blogged, and am hopefully going to go out with my sister tonight. But she is currently at Urgent Care with my nephew.

Feel better Hunter!! And welcome to the holiday's all you college students-- Semester one= DONE.
Stalking the school email even though school is over and you shouldn't care because you are crazy anal and slightly psychotic when it comes to school: Story of my life.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

You Smell Like What?

Last night I got dinner at In A Pickle down in South dining hall. It's a hoagie shop where you can get wraps, hoagies, and panini's. So, I decided to get tuna.

Worst. Idea. Ever.

Every bite I took, my mouth was literally engulfed in onions. There were SO many onions in there, it burned as it travelled down my throat.

So, I came back to my dorm cursing onions under my breath and told Tracy and Kaitlin I was going to write my blog on how much I hate onions. Then... Tracy had a fantastic revelation.

Ex boyfriends are the equivalent to onions:  stinky, gross, smelly, and fat headed.

Shrek once said he was like an onion, with layers.  But we have decided that ex boyfriends are even more like onions because you are with them for so long, peeling back each layer, and they don't change or get any better.

They still smell, make you cry, and are slimy.

So our message to you is if you stay with the gross ex, you'll repulse people just as much as he does. Drop the onion and pick up the delicious fruit smoothie of your choice (The smoothie being the new boyfriend: sweet, soothes your crying, healthy for you and filled with euphoria)
Always relating food to my personal relationship experiences: Story of my life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What the...

Here is just a couple of strange things that happened yesterday and today.

1.) We saw a crying squirrel. Did you know squirrels can even cry? Neither did we! We had just sold our text books, took the money we made to get food at McDonald's since we are officially poor, walked up the stairs (painfully due to the McDonald's) and we heard this screeching noise. My boyfriend stopped so me and my roommate turned around. And there, sitting in the tree alone, was a crying squirrel... WHAT!?  Evan said it was sad, Tracy said it was stuck in the tree, and I thought it was about to pounce on Evan's face for getting closer to the tree. Turns out... it was a defense call because it felt threatened. Who knew.

2.) I got out of the shower, scratched my forehead because it was itchy, of course, and scales fell. So... I guess I'm a fish now. If anyone would like to donate to the "fix my scaly face" foundation with some moisturizer, that would be greatly appreciated.

3.) I drank some hot chocolate last night, and I found two things in it: Diamonds and turds.

The Turds in my hot chocolate

4.) Today, the five of us walked back to the dorms after lunch: Evan, Tracy, Garrett, Kaitlin, and myself. We were all talking, loudly at that, and Kaitlin was in the background saying, "That guy just stole a bike!" No one listened to her. Then! She yelled louder! And I was like um... No he didn't. And Kaitlin said, "There is no bike seat! It's back on the bike rack! He stole that bike!!" Yeah... we totally succumbed to the Bystander Effect

If you have any odd stories, leave them for my entertainment :)
The middle of finals week and shit's getting weird at PSU: Story of my life.

P.s. Guess who got an 86% on her Astro final? THIS CHICK

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bitch, Please.

Editors note: Please do not take offense to this entry. It was a suggested topic from a fellow reader. Thank you

One summer I was at an amusement park with my family. I got on that pirate ship looking ride with my sister. This guy sat next to us and asked me where we were from. I stared at him. My mind went blank. The sister chimed in, "We're from Pennsylvania, stupid"

That was just one point in my life when I needed someones help with what to say. Just one time. Some people function this way 24/7.


My roommate and I contemplated this ourselves after receiving this suggested topic. Our question to you is, Why does what you say and your thought process in answering someone change from talking to text?  If you are going to dinner with someone and they ask you where to go, you would answer right there right? But if you are texted that same question, you have to ask someone, "what should I say?"

Why does it matter?

Aren't there bigger issues in the world?  Like those kids in Africa we always talk about. Do their issues only matter when we overeat? 

I think not.

When I text someone I shouldn't have to ask my friends, "What do I say? Should I use an exclamation point or just period? Smiley or ellipsis? IF they answer back, does it mean something more?"

Bitch, Please.

Being treated like I'm a magic 8 ball: Story of my life.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Words from the Wise.

With it officially being finals week I have derived a list of some tips while studying for finals.
Here we go.

1. Study and study hard
2. but don't study until you are so stir crazy, you just sit outside alone (yup, that 10 minutes in the cold was worth it)
3.Try and have some fun to ease some stress
4. but don't get plastered the night before your 8 am final
5. Don't forget to eat because you're studying
6. but do not, let me repeat, DO NOT eat Sbarro for dinner before your final because you are scared to use anymore meal points-- you are guaranteed to be sick.
7. Laugh with a hint of panic to your friends while studying
8. Don't have a panic attack and scare your friends while studying (once again, personal experience)
9. Go to the exam room early
10. but don't sit in the wrong room until its final time
11. Don't write anything on your hand: especially in a different language before a foreign language test
12. Take your time and go over your work
13. Don't over think yourself ultimately leading to failure; It's called the self fulfilling prophecy

Lucky for you guys, I'm here to help you out! Sadly, no one was there to inform me of all of this stuff (especially about the Sbarro)

For all of you students, have a happy finals week!

and please, "study" responsibly.

SO fried from studying for your first week of finals you can't think of anything to blog about: Story of my life.

P.s. If anyone has any preference for what you want me to write about, just comment and I'll be sure to answer :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oh, Pattee.

Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in 1584 for suggesting that there might be other planets outside our solar system.

That is the only thing that I can remember from my studying today so far...

With finals starting tomorrow, I decided to make my way to the library.  Any of you who have been to Penn State University and have seen the Pattee/Paterno Library know exactly what I am talking about when I characterize it as overwhelming.

My boyfriend and I, elated with excitement, skipped our way to the library for an eventful day of fun and studying!

... Not so much...

We arrived at the library at 2:20pm. Then we took our chances looking for a place to sit within the stacks, the study areas, even just the floor (keeping in mind my roommate warned us how packed it would be prior to our departure). We went through the stacks, up many flights of stairs, from Pattee to Paterno and back again.

Stair Case of Paterno

Anyway, we searched for just two seats for about 20 minutes. Until, we see 3 guys leaving the floor and raced to the door as it closed. Evan had just found a penny heads up so he was convinced we'd find a spot.

And lo and behold-- We did!

In the worst spot possible. No wonder no one occupied this section, it was directly being harassed by the sun.  So I am currently, baking in a sauna called the Life Sciences student lounge attempting to study.

For the Glory.
Getting ready to throw down just for a better seat... to study: Story of my life.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Coupon Anyone?

I designated today to studying for my Astronomy 005 final exam on Monday. The agenda of my day so far: bought breakfast at the dining hall, got sick, went to study at the common's area, still felt sick (I would not advise the french toast sticks, maple syrup, and tator tots), came back to my room, watched Man vs. Food Nation, ordered hot wings, ate lunch, felt even worse, and turned on the TV to keep me focused while I studied.

Wrong choice on my part.

I flipped on TLC to find the Extreme Couponing show. I have decided, I am going to pay my way through college with coupons. How hard could it be? These ladies spend 20 hours a week clipping coupons and pay $7.00 on a transaction that was $1,300!!

That is what I decided. I will coupon my way through college and STILL get on the Ellen show. (Which by the way, that's my goal: to get tons of viewers and become famous. Big dreams right? Tell your friends!)

Anyway, If people are practically stealing from grocery stores, and my sister being handed a FREE 60' flat screen TV... why can't I coupon my way through life?

Moral of the story: Don't turn on TLC when a marathon of Extreme Couponing is on.
Contradicting yesterdays revelation as well as procrastinating on a studying day: Story of my life.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Working for What's Worth it.

Editor's Note: This entry may be a little longer than anticipated. Thank you for sticking to the end.

"There comes a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given him to till..."
                                                                  --Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self Reliance

 The first time I read this passage was junior year of high school. I fell in love because I was the biggest individual I knew; however this entry is not about being an individual, that's for another day.

Emerson wrote that no kernel of nourishing corn can come to man but through his toil. This directly correlates with my work ethic.

 For the most part of my life my Mom stated every time that she stayed home from work that she wish she didn't have to work. Swiftly proceeding that comment, she'd return to reality and say that she didn't want her attitude on work to effect how I see working. I respect both of my parents immensely for sticking to it even if work is not preferable. They raised me to work for everything I have.

I always was that "Straight A" student-- that is until I came to college. I found my motivation dwindling for my schooling. Classes didn't excite me, I just sat there in a lecture hall of people as if I was just someone else.

I refuse to be just someone else. My finals crept up on me so fast, I take my first one on Monday.  I have yet to study for the ONLY 2 exams I have. If I fail these two finals, disgust will overwhelm me. It hit me in my Psychology 100 class that I can't just sit here and do nothing. If succeeding (in an extraordinary way at that) is my goal, I need to toil my own till that was given to me: my life. Without drive and motivation, happiness will never follow.

For this revelation, I thank you Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Constantly motivating myself with the little things: Story of my life.

(This one's for you Evan.)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Taking the First Risk.

Today's horoscope:

"Though you might believe you are as clear as a bell, you might not be. Stay Open. If you are immediately reacting to another person's suggestion, chill out and buy yourself time. You might want to work this idea into your life. Tonight: Letting off steam."

Ironically enough, as I read this horoscope, I walked out of my English 015 class.  During this class (which happened to be the last of the semester) my miraculous professor encouraged me to start up a blog of my own.

Anyone who knows me in any way, shape or form also knows that drama surrounds my life.  Starting today, venting to my blog will be my outlet for two reasons: I will no longer  take my stress out on my amazing boyfriend of almost a year who puts up with my crazy and it's a much better outlet than getting in trouble with the "illegals" (e.g. alcohol, drugs, and whatnot)

Little does the horoscope know, it sadly contradicted itself.

Living my life to make not only myself but others smile: Story of my life.