Sunday, February 26, 2012


Note: Do not take this entry personally. You are probably not the person I am talking about... unless you are.

For all of you who may know the holiday State Patty's day here at Penn State, you may be thinking we are all a bunch of fools who are destructive while drunk.

That is completely true for the most part.

For those of you who don't know about State Patty's day, it is a holiday here at State that was created 6 years ago in place of the regular Saint Patty's day. Bars would shut down because of all of the drunks. So some brilliant college student thought, "Hey, why not make it a week or two earlier so we can still drink and give our student body an even worse reputation."

I'll admit, I participated in State Patty's day, but I did it the way that any other sane and not tool bag person who attends Penn State would.

There are two main contributors to the problem of destruction and bad reputation here at State:

  1. The outsiders
  2. The tool bags.

Let me explain.

You see here at State, all of the students have known for about a month of all the repercussions that the University would be taking to defer people from partying so hard. For example:
  • The IFC board banned fraternity parties during State Patty's day
  • The CATA bus would not stop on Beaver Ave (where all the apartments are) from 6pm Friday to 6am Sunday
  • They set up walking check points downtown
  • Students living in dorms were only allowed one guest in their room
  • People were being checked into dorms when they arrived
  • Auxiliary police were stationed EVERYWHERE
  • 2x as many bars as last year closed.
Being a student at State your first thought after hearing that was, "F that! I'm not going out. I'm just going to stay in my dorm, lay low and have fun with my close friends I know won't be assholes."

For all the outsiders you hear, "SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!"
Not to mention, most of the outsiders, the ones I know anyway, bring mass amount of drama with them. So, no thank you to that.

Keep in mind there are the few who are 21 years of age who go out saying the same thing because they have nothing to worry about. They're legal. Also, people who have apartments, they're pretty much safe too.

Anyway, but then you always have "those guys" who think that being plastered is the coolest thing in the world. So they'll get wasted, head butt a mirror and break it, tear apart a newspaper rack and throw it across the lobby, and then go break a chair in the work room that had nothing to do with you.

(Yes, this all really happened in my building.)

You know what that tells me? You are the biggest tool bag in the WORLD!
You are the reason that we have all the bans and rules on State Patty's, because you're being an asshole to show off how much of a dick you really are. Thank you for showing everyone that you hate this holiday and wish for it to have even more restrictions next year. Thank you for being another statistic against our school.

All I'm saying is that I had a great time, and broke nothing. My friends had a great time and didn't have any drama. My friends and I had a great time together and didn't get alcohol poisoning, an underage, or any other charge.


We keep in classy.
Staying away from everyone that egged on this entry next year, and also not having anyone stay with me again because I enjoy having fun and my own time: Story of my life.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Battle of the Sexes

It's been a while, I know I am sorry. Last week I had 3 exams, this weekend was THON, and I have 2 exams this week. SO being the college student my parents are paying for me to be, I had to study instead of blog my thoughts away.

I wasn't originally going to blog today but then something happened that I couldn't pass up. Here we go.

Have you ever met that girl that has a thousand guy friends and maybe 2 close girl friends? It seems like every girl you meet for the first time is like, "Yeah, most of my friends are guys, No big deal" And at first thought you're like yeah... you're lying.

BUT! That's not true about that chick and once you sit down and think about it, it is so very true.

I myself am one of those girls that prefer having guys as friends over girls for many reasons. Want to hear why?
  1. Guys have much more to talk about than just what girl they are currently hooking up with and when they could possibly see them again. To be quite frank girls obsess over little things like a text message or a facebook "like" as if it is the most important thing in the world. I just had dinner with my boyfriend and his friends and want to know what we talked about? The divorce rate of families and how children of the parents who stayed together have the potential for more success with the exceptions of some. Just based of the odds of the people we know. When would you EVER have a conversation like that with a girl unless you were really rad?
  2. Girls will sit around and paint their nails while still talking about that significant other. Maybe it's just because I bite my nails that this doesn't appeal to me but I would much rather watch YouTube videos or talk about absolutely anything else other than that other guy.
  3. Girls are hyper focused on what their other friends are doing, if it is better than them, and how much they are eating. For example my roommate went out to eat with some friends and one of her friends called her a heffer for getting chicken tenders, fries, and mac and cheese for dinner. Um, that's called normal honey. How about you go see a nutritionist about how much protein and carbs you should be consuming in one day.
  4. Girls are always so catty and holding grudges. I love my mother to death but she holds grudges sometimes. (And mom, if you're reading this you know exactly what I am talking about. And I mean it with the best and lightest intentions) I could have said something about going out with someone elses family last year and my mom would still say to this day that I want to be like someone else's family. False. But, I love my mom. In fact, she is more of a dude than I am.
  5. Girls feel the need to wear the skankiest clothes when they go out. It is freaking 5 degrees here at night and girls go out in clothes that should be woren um... never. It's not even considered underwear. Like no thanks, I enjoy the feeling warm and comfortable. Thanks for the skank invite though.

As you can tell, something set me off today. So here's the fact.
Guys are more
  • Chill
  • understanding
  • hungry
  • witty
  • funny
  • vulgar (it takes a certain kind of girl to truly appreciate this)
  • All around more fun.

Sorry ladies, I'm just not that into you.
Enjoying being that "dude" in the group of guys even if you are dating one of them because I just don't enjoy being a bitch: Story of my life.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hail to the V (day)

As you all know (or maybe not), it is Valentines day!

One of the most dreaded days in the country by both men and women. But why?

For guys:
Because F you Nicholas Sparks! Thanks for making my life hell! My girl has unrealistic views of what love and romance should be!

(I am a huge fan, actually just saw the Vow)

For Women:
Because why can't my man just be like Noah Calhoun and wait years and years for me while you build our dream house even though I am engaged to another man? Why can't he understand that all I want is dozens of flowers and jewelry and showered with "I love you's"?!

(That's a fair argument as well)

But girls, there is no reason to hate on Valentines day. I think people forget about what Valentines day really is.

According to it is the day in which people exchange signs of affection and love with each other.

Just because it was commericalized as something that you NEED a significant other to celebrate doesn't mean that's true. Quite frankly that is very wrong.

I know you all didn't forget the Valentines day festivities when you were in elementary school. Your valentine was your entire class!

Anyway, I am deeply infatuated with Evan but that doesn't mean I forget everyone I love and have affection towards-- my family.

Guys, your first Valentine was your mom or motherly figure
Girls, your first Valentine was your dad or fatherly figure. I mean, I know mine was.

I have the most handsome 2 year old nephew and if I didn't have Evan, he would without a doubt be my number one Valentine.

Love is meant for anyone who can appreciate everything that you are.
For example:
  • Evan deals with my crazy on a daily basis. Not even I would do that.
  • Evan sort of convulses when he laughs. SO do I! So.... I don't feel so out there.
  • He also makes me origami flowers for Valentines day.
My point of this entire blog is to show you that being bitter on Valentines day isn't attractive. Look at the bigger picture. Love is what raised you and made you who you are today. Why not show everyone who helped in that how much they really mean to you.  In the end, 1 significant other leads to family of 4 or 5. Then you have at least 3 Valentines anyway.

Spread the love to all my friends
Ignoring the fact that I have a very special Valentine and making this a personal shout out to my mom, dad, sister, brother, brother-in-law, nephew, my aunts, and everyone else who is around: Thank you so much for all of your love: Story of my life.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Banana Man

Have you ever wanted to have a character in your life that Jerry Seinfeld and his friends might have. Like the Soup Nazi?

I'm sure everyone wants to have some sort of crazy "regular" you can tell stories about. I know I did.

Be careful what you wish for.

It all started last semester waiting in line for a breakfast sandwich at the commons before one of our first couple home football games. It was Evan, Tracy, and myself. The line was super long. I mean come on, we're college students, we don't wake up until 10:30 am before a game and a breakfast sandwich with some tator tots sounds delightful.

We noticed this kid in front of us tweaking out. He turned to us and said " You think they have bananas here? That's all I want is a banana and I have been standing in line."  We were like... Um... I think so ? but We're not sure.

We continued talking and then he turned around again and said "can you save my place in line? I'm just going to be really quick and run upstairs to see if they have bananas there. I'll right back"  And he sprinted off. He came back soon enough and we were almost at the check out. He looks down in the basket in front of us and ALAS! There's one single banana left!

That's how he got his name. Keeping in mind that was in September of last semester.

We have seen banana man AT LEAST 25 times since then. And rest assure that that is a lot of times to see someone you don't know on a campus as big as Penn State Main.

As we began to see him more frequently, he started to recognize us. How do we know? He'd just stare at us. Literally. Just stare. Like, making awkward eye contact to the point that you just want to acknowledge him and run.

We saw him at:

Dining commons (the most)
College Ave
The Hub
Sitting outside
The Basketball game.

This last one is the most important because it is the most recent (Yesterday)
About 10 minutes into the game, I noticed him two rows in front of us. Then he turned around and stared at me! What the heck banana man!? Did you know we were here!? Are you stalking us now? Do you want to be friends? If you do, you better cut the creeper shit because that's not how you make friends!

All in all, that's our regular character. Whenever we realize he's there, he is always looking at us. Keeping this story in mind, please be careful with what type of regular you would like.
Stopped blogging because Google believes there was "Invalid Clicking" and took away my ads but finally found the heart to begin again because people need to know that people such as banana man exist: Story of my life.

By the way... I got on ESPN

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hail to the Fruit Breezers

This morning I woke up and sounded like Marcel the Shell

Marcel the Shell

For those of you who don't know him, I will post his video at the end of this entry just because I think everyone needs to see it.

Anyway. This morning I woke up with his voice. It is because of my allergies. Some people would say I sound like a frog with no friends but I prefer to have people like me so I choose to be Marcel.

Thanks to my mother who is afraid I will never have enough cough drops-- I have a plethora of cough drops.

Today I have decided that Halls Fruit Breezers should never have been invented. Don't get me wrong, I think they are SO good. I eat them like candy (they're only 15 calories)

I'm sitting in my 11:15am class coughing up a storm and realized that I was out of them! oh God no please! I went back to my dorm and looked in my designated cough drop drawer and you know what I found? No more fruit breezers! Only lemon honey and menthol. (Who wants menthol?... ever)

Then it hit me. Fruit Breezers should never have been invented. They have spoiled me. They taste so delicious and make my throat feel glorious. Not to mention they now offer inspirational messages on the wrappers
  • The show must go on. Or work
  • Power Through!
  • Inspire Envy
  • Don't try harder. Do harder!
  • Keep your chin up!

Right? These damn cough drops have been sweet talking me and now they are just gone!

I've been spoiled for too long.
Heading to the convenience store to pick up some more fruit breezers because I was told never to settle when it comes to love: Story of my life.

Here's Marcel the Shell like a promised:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Dearest Superbowl

My Dearest Superbowl,

I am writing to ask you a simple question: Why did you break my heart?

No, it wasn't because the Eagles didn't play-- that was expected.  And it was a little due to the fact that the best performance you could find was Madonna whom which is so old you needed to give her some famous escorts like Nikki Minaj, Ce Lo Green, and MIA just so that the newer generations could follow your music without the rap or cursing. (And for the record I'm not even sure many people know MIA anymore after she really did go MIA after having a baby. Where does she even live? Like... England? Whatever)

I was really hurt and let down great degrees when you decided to make every commercial about a car and/or it was inspirational. Sometimes even like.. an inspirational car.

The only reason many of us watch the Superbowl is for your commercials!

You used to crack me up, you used to make me smile, you used to touch my heart with ever punch line.

What happened to you? I thought we had a good thing going on. Did I do something wrong? I just don't understand why you would do something like this to me.

I mean... I understand you're getting old. What are you like 48 now? But just because you're getting up there doesn't mean that you still can't keep your spunk and attraction. I mean look at Madonna! (Minus the attraction...)

I hope you take this letter not as a desperate plea for my affection again but as a car driving butt loads of inspiration to try harder next year..

Sincerely with less love,
Wishing you would have laughed more due to the famous Superbowl commercials but still thankful for the night of laughter due to wings, friends, and cookies: Story of my life.